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  • Hmm yes good idea. (though i can imagine some guys from school would be intersted). Though dw, past papers won't be any worry lol (there are a fuckload online already)

    Actually i'll start up a BOS group and we can get to work. Tbh there aren't too many question by topic pdfs (or even textbooks in regards to actual PRACTICE exam papers).

    Will have to wait a while. I gtg man, need to study for english lol. (envy your freedom)
    True. I reckon 4u will be easier to get/sort. Also many of the 3u questions will also be 2u related.

    Guess we know what we'll be doing these school holidays aye haha :p (nerd 4 lyfe)
    Get people from here or from school?
    Are we talking about just 4u here, or 3u too?
    Hmm i'm not too sure about the ways you can do em. But the quality doesn't have to be perfect or anything lol.

    Also we can get other people in on the job :p (gonna be a bloody massive task tbh :p)
    Hey bro, in regards to sorting past papers topic by topic

    I'll sort half of them if you do the other half :p (srs)
    yeah true. Lol harder than i expected tbh (damnit ms chan fucked us over again!). Good to hear bro!

    probably will study a little in the bus lol... but i'm mainly gonna nerd out 4u tomorrow morning and afternoon. will you study lol?
    Hahaha yeah great wallpaper (hint click view conversation if you don't wanna have any more seizures :p)

    It was alright. Left out a couple of questions but i'm confident about the rest. How'd you find it? And chem?
    Yeah that's true. But you know what's shit? They gave us fucking past papers but didn't give us any solutions. What da fuck?
    Wow that really does suck. Guess you can really enjoy after though :)

    I gtg bro. Waking up at 3 to start studying lol..
    Umm yeah. Hopefully as easy as the last test haha. You should do as well as you did last time

    Oh yeah gl for chem. You know mano? He's got 3 tests on that day lol...
    Yeah bro. You end up learning so much more. Seriously go to the resources section right now. And M8 they all are lol.

    That's true. And we've learnt a lot of it in 4u complex and bits of 3u poly. Oh wow. I'll check it out.

    When are our half-yearlies again?
    Haha. Actually, you could just download notes from here or from other websites and use them.
    And yeah i fking know right. We'll probably forget all this shit by term 2 and 3.

    Cheers, time to bully some year 7's :p

    Hahaha i finally got my head over most of graphs. Polynomials come at me!!! Mirin' brahs?????
    Yeah. Actually i kinda like short story writing though :)
    But bro, best way to do work: Download notes from the net. It really helps with understanding/creating (cough *plagiarising*) ideas.

    Lol do we go back on monday or tuesday?
    Yeah same i know the feeling.
    Lol nup i'm madly reading my last text right now. I wanna finish off all my study guides by the end of today.

    Wnglish is so gonna kill my atar :(
    Lol bro. One part of me doesn't want the holidays to end. Another wants me to try and ace next term. I'm pretty confused right now.

    How about you? :)
    Lol nah m8 it'll only be some lessons. Dw about it. Heaps of time to catch up.

    And lol yeah i've got a tonne haha. 3u? 4u? or both?
    Haha yeah man i've gotten bored of that crap as well. Will try senior study. Hopefully will have some time to actually work. (nerd forever)
    Hahaha yeah. Oh well, you can get a good atar with any subs as long as you absolutely ace them (4u maths scaling ftw!)
    Oi lol what sport are you doing this season? Cricket?
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