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  • Oh right, Apink>Trials
    It says restricted feature to premium members for Custom Subtitle or am I not supposed to be looking at that?
    How do you get that thing under your name 'Apink<Trails'
    Do you need to be a premium member or sumfink?
    I'll be honest, I came up with the names on the spot ^.^ Google Hoon Chun though, probable future member lol
    Lmao, I thought I picked it up from your conversations about k-pop. Obviously didn't do a good job :<
    ah right. yeah we're doing sydney :p it isn't that great tbh... my favourite part of the whole course is skills and world cities :D and economic activity isnt too bad either
    we have 170 in our cohort, and our geo class has 6 people in it :p and yeah our teacher is great too! there are very few geographers at my school because most people prefer a combination of chem, phys, bio, 3u maths, eco. in reality geo is a lot easier than any of these subjects (less work for a band 6). i mean really, at least 25% of it could be answered by someone who didnt even do geo...
    yeah we had three full-day excurions:
    ecosystems: blue mountains swamps
    urban places: car trip around parts of sydney(yes we can fit our whole class in a car). we went to dural, rouse hill , macquarie park, parra as the main places
    economic activity: hunter valley vineyards
    alright nice! what are you doing for your global economic activity? we're doing viticulture. i still need to learn that :/
    OMG you do geo too? HI-5!!! you're like the first 2013er i've seen who does it :p how are going for your trials prep for geo?
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