Search results

  1. A

    Age of Empires

    Age of Mythology was a lot better then the rest, especially in terms of graphics, but it needs more of a storyline and diferent options to take like AOE2 were you can play with the huns or the spanish or whatever
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    half life 2

    you probably say it's shit because you suck at it, have you even seen the previews for the game.
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    Planet of the apes

    I watched it on VCD so the quality was a bit crap, but the graphics are a deffinit improvment from the original.
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    half life 2

    When on earth is the dam game coming out. The first i heard it was supposed to out December 2003. But then some hacker or something screwed up everything, or whatever. The game that everybody's been waiting for years for gets screwed. Now it's SUPPOSED to come out end of this year, what...