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  1. N

    General Thoughts: Legal Studies

    Re: General Thoughts on the 09 Exam! didn't like a few of the multiple choice questions and thought crime part d was way to vague. Family (b) was such a stupid question, but i did a and didn't mind that.
  2. N

    Fight Club

    hey man i'm doing fight club for my upcoming assessment, comparing it with the crucible.. i havent really started analysing it but when i was watching it seemed like there was sooo much to relate to belonging..... like the one's you've mentioned plus many more, such as how he joins all of...
  3. N

    I Hear America Singing

    For the text I hear America Singing- Walt Whitman, we need to analyse it and i was just wondering what written techniques that the composer uses to convey meanings of belonging etc. help will be very much appreciated. thanks
  4. N

    Terrorism Concept

    Hey...were currently doing Terrorism in the Modern World as our International Peace and conflict etc. anyway, for our assessment, we have to do a speech on either a concept or an event, I decided for a concept i'm gonna do something to do with....terrorism stereotypes/terrorism in the media...
  5. N

    Russia in the 1900s

    Thanks. Yeah its gonna be an in class essay, we dont find out what the question is until we get in there but the general idea seems to be the events impacting on Nicholas II's reign. I was just wondering, if the essay topic is about WWI, then how would i be able to link in information about...
  6. N

    Russia in the 1900s

    Hi, i'm doing the fall of the romanovs, but we have an essay coming up soon and it will have somehting to do with Bloody Sunday, the Russo-Japanese war, industrialisation, and the effects of these on the reign of Nicholas II I was just wondering, what main points would i need/ arguments (it...