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  1. R

    When are you signing out of school!?

    I'm signing out after formal... cant go formal if you sign out.. i think in every school has that LOL.. but still gRrRrrRr
  2. R

    Who here for year 11 '09?

    -is going to bludge... -is going to try their best... -or trying their best but are going to/might bludge/jig... -or doesn't care about year 11...
  3. R

    What is your prediction on your Bands!?

    I kinda stuffed up in some of the exams but did okay lolz. Maths: 4/5 English: 4 HSIE: 5 [GEO: 4/5 & History 5/6] Science: 4/5 Computers: LOL!
  4. R

    [POST HERE] if you are going SMSHS '09

    I Am! :)
  5. R

    Senior Science - ?

    I've planned my subjects for Year 11 next year and I am doing Bio, chem and physics, maths 2u + ex1 and adv. english and im just wondering if I should do Senior Science as well is it any good and what do they talk about in the subject? .. Im trying to get into medical science for uni after yr 12