Search results

  1. Q

    Job/Degree Ideas

    Hi, I'm having trouble finding too many jobs that incorporate 3 things I really enjoy - Business, IT and travel (aviation would be also ideal as I do have a strong interest in that, but not necessary). I'd love to be able to do an IT job that included management (operations, marketing, HR...
  2. Q

    Audio Engineering?

    Thanks for the reply, that has helped a lot. I will continue to have a look around! Thanks again, Brendan
  3. Q

    Audio Engineering?

    Hi, I'm considering Audio Engineering as a profession after I complete the HSC in 2013. Firstly, are there any requirements (marks wise) that would be important for this sort of career? And secondly, where is the best place to get a Diploma or Bachelor in Audio Engineering? I've already looked...
  4. Q

    Your Opinion...

    Yeah its a bummer :( i hope it isnt! haha Well I'll just wing it :P
  5. Q

    Your Opinion...

    Hi, I received an assignment from Ancient History (hate it to bits, did it cause I needed an extra 2 units) that is worth 30%. 20% is for a written submission of the artefacts in Tutankhamun's tomb, and the other 10% is for a role playing exercise. I stress again, a role playing exercise. I...
  6. Q


    Thanks for the reply, I'll keep at it and see how I go :)
  7. Q


    Thanks for all of your help, its really assisted me as to keep focussed on achieving my goals. I actually do prefer the 747 over the A380 (die hard 747 fan :P) but loved the flight to LA. Thanks again, and all the best!
  8. Q


    Yes it was my first A380 flight haha :) I am studying up and revising what I'm struggling with, so I'm gonna try and improve my marks into the high 70's and 80's (hopefully). Thanks for that link too, found quite helpful notes on mathematics. (P.S I have a couple of possible references by...
  9. Q


    Hello, My career path goal is to become a commercial pilot and in my preliminary course am doing 2U Mathematics, Advanced English, Physics, Business Studies, Music and Ancient History (I plan on dropping Ancient History next year). I'm having a bit of a struggle with 2U marks at the moment...