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  1. A

    Mark predictions

    section 1: 13/15 section 2: 13-14/15 section 3: 14/15
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    What HSC marks are you aiming for?

    english adv - 97 mx1 - 94 mx2 - 88-92 (depending on difficulty of paper) eco - 95 chem - 93-4 sor1 - fml yes, i am ambitious :P
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    Years 9 & 10 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Hi! Perhaps I can be an assistance to your question: In terms of how far the notion of 'cliche' goes: you would want your creative piece to have a moral/concept behind your words - don't just compose a story out of mid-air, take a step back and ask yourself what do you want the reader to gain...
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    Just purchased his modern history notes. Can I just say first of all that he is one of the nicest people you'll ever contact. But as the for the notes, you guys are seriously missing out on what he has got to offer: the price is reasonably cheap in ratio to both the quality and quantity of his...
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    Trial Results and Papers

    english adv: 99/105 mx1: 62/70 mx2: 72/100 physics: 92/100 chem: 94/100 eco: 95/100
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    Help with Year 11 Subject Choices - Chemistry or Biology?!

    Get into year 12 first before you start to compare mate.
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    found u :)

    found u :)
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    What do you do when you get home from school?

    I get home at around 4:30 prosrastinate till around 5:15 then I work on and off till about 11pm....include dinner+shower+tv of course :)