Search results

  1. M

    please guesstimate me :)

    hey guys, i was hoping you could help estimate my UAI my subjects and rankins are as follows Ancietn history: 1/24 95% english advanced: 1/27 80% maths general: 6/59 81% biology: 4/12 79% chemistry: 5/9 68% nayone care to take a guess?? sam says like 84 or something :(
  2. M

    What To Do??

    hey, im doin my hsc this year and probably going into UNI in 2009. im intersted in humanities and im currently studying ancient history and english and enjoy both. so basically, what kind of courses would i be looking at doing at uni, and what kind fo job prospects would i be looking at...
  3. M

    electrical engineering at UOW???

    ok this is my first post on here and ive got a coupel of questions RE: wollongong Firstly im set on doing an electrial engineering course, however i havnt got the maths or physics skills required ATM.. however i am planning on doing bridging courses to bring me up to scratch... so...