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  1. D

    Maintaining a Balance Tips

    glossary Important terms: enzyme, substrate, pH, homeostasis, xylem, phloem, symplast, apoplastic, osmosis, diffusion, filtration, reabsorption, secretion, kidney (and its components), enantiostasis, renal dialysis i dont no many of these terms well would it be possible for sum 1 to post...
  2. D

    Biology Practical Test On Tuesday

    you guys r champs. i didnt have a clue what 2 do but u have made it all clear thanks a tonne........damm bio teacher
  3. D

    Terror raids

    not true they say he was the leader of a terrorist organisation and that the other lot are ite members + they found bomb making equipment + they shot at police as they entered......... its not looking good for em and if u ask me thats awesome