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  1. H

    when does uni start??

    does any1 know when engineer students start uni???
  2. H

    need help

    Hi i was wonderin if any1 knows wat i have to do besides accepting offer at my course for civ enineerin. DO i have to pick subjects or anything at this stage/??
  3. H

    Information on Late Round Offers

    i always thought the UAI would go down for late round.......I just missed out by 0.10 for fee paying in the main round. DO u think i have chance of being accepted for late round???
  4. H

    fee paying positions

    r they the newspaper i got doesnt have them....any1 got a site or soemthing?
  5. H

    flexible entry scheme

    how do u know if u have been accpeted for flexible entry or not?
  6. H

    fee paying positions

    does any1 have the fee paying offers yet?