2010 past paper question help (1 Viewer)


New Member
Sep 28, 2010
Assess the significance of the War of Independence to the continuing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians to 1967?

my class needs to use historians. What topics should i talk about, definetly refugees and the effect on neighboring States but i dont know what else.

Any advice


Dec 30, 2010
Earth. O.o
Okay, so basically this question is referring to the key feature of syllabus regarding to the origin and the development of the conflict. (In simple terms, the Arab-Israeli conflict has its origins in the fact that both the Palestinians and Israelis lay claim to the same land. The problem developed as more and more Jewish settlers arrived in Palestine in the first half of the 20th century, leading to tension that culminated in the war of 1948. While Israel was victorious in 1948 and in subsequent wars, Palestine grievances grew. The development of the conflict has been complicated by issues such as terrorism, the plight of refugees and Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied Territories and international interest in the Middle East, with its crucial reserves of oil).

Okay, so basically this question is asking you to make a JUDGEMENT! Was the War of Independence important to the continuing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians to 1967? There are a number of other issues you must include in your response, and it is up to your opinion on whether you think the War of Independence is the most significant or not.

Topics I would discuss in this essay would be: Israel's War of Independence (of course), consequences of the war, Political and Social Issues in Arab-Israeli Relations in 1967, issues such as terrorism, the plight of refugees, Impact of Nationalism and perhaps the Israeli occupation of the Occupied Territories (just to finish off the essay, though depends on your word limits and as such).

Some useful sources for you to look at would include:
- 'The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem 1947-1949'; Benny Morris.
- 'The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Wars' - Ritchie Ovendale.
- 'The Question of Palestine' - Edward Said.

The above sources would encompass the Historiography that you require for your studies. You'll probably discover that your teacher has provided from textbooks and as such and you are able to quote that information for your essays - just make sure you get the author of the publishment down.

Good luck with your essay, hope my ramblings have some what made sense. n_n

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