ATAR Estimate + Future Options With These Ranks (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 8, 2013
I've never estimated my ATAR before because I'm always scared of the results. My rankings for some of my subjects are great and some aren't so great. I have only two career options in mind and one is a combination of ATAR + another test + mini interviews (the minimum ATAR changes and I read that the lowest they'd accept is within the 70s). Even though getting an ATAR in the 70s is achievable for me, it's just the other two factors that worry me. The other course I wouldn't mind doing has an ATAR cutoff of 85, which is really really really daunting. However, factor in the 4-5 bonus points that I'm certain I'd get and I'd need at least 81 and also there is another way of entry by submitting in a portfolio if you think you expect your ATAR to be within 10 points of the cutoff. In summary, I just don't know if I'll be able achieve a high enough ATAR.

I've even considered repeating year 12 in a better school because my school was honestly horrible (slight exaggeration). Some students just didn't care. Also, I know I could have tried a lot harder.

So my ranks for each subject + my school's ranking is in the mid 300s, I think. I'm also going to put in my course performance level and it's an estimate cos it's just a dot on a scale in my reports (no exact numbers). I don't know if this will be helpful in anyway.
English Adv - =6/46 (82 or 83)
Biology - 3/52 (82 or 83)
Chemistry - =9/24 (71)
Mathematics - 15/23 (64) ---- definitely my worst subject
Religion 1 - =13/64 (38 or 39 out of 50)
Textiles - 1/13 (98) ---- also my major work will hopefully be a band 5 or 6

I am kind of freaking out because exams are so soon and I've done very very very very limited studying so I just need to prepare myself when I do get results back.

Another question which you don't have to answer - do you think the ranking system is flawed? In my personal opinion, I think it should just be your internal + hsc mark, not affected by rankings or your school's rankings at all.

Thank you very much in advanced to anyone who might answer!!!


Feb 1, 2013
Uni Grad
I get an estimate of 85... maths (as you are aware) is hurting you...

Is the system flawed? Probably, but it is what it is...

After looking into how it all works, I think there are systematic ways in which you can play the game better. And to be honest- I think a large proportion of students have very little understanding of how their marks (assessment and HSC mark) are calculated, how their ATAR is calculated, how their school effects them.

If you understand the game (early enough to make a difference) you are half way there and there is no reason you can't get the ATAR you want....


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
do you think the ranking system is flawed? In my personal opinion, I think it should just be your internal + hsc mark, not affected by rankings or your school's rankings at all.
Firstly, individual rankings do NOT come into the calculation (except for first and last).

And are you saying that at a school ranked 300 which submits assessment marks between say 60 and 90, the students should get the same final assessment results as those at a school ranked 5 which also submits assessment marks between 60 and 90?

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