Can I do Commerce + a language @ UNSW/USYD? (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 17, 2010
Uni Grad
Is it possible to do Commerce + a language at UNSW/USYD?

I want to do Commerce and possibly Indonesian/Chinese/Japanese studies (maybe even 2 languages)

What degree would I have to do if it is even possible? Commerce (Liberal Studies)? Commerce/Arts?

NB: I only want to do language(s) on top of my Comm degree, no other arts subjects.

Thanks in advance :>


New Member
May 17, 2010
Uni Grad
Thanks for the quick replies.

So just to clarify, as an example, if I did B Comm/Arts at UNSW, I could elect to just do Commerce (2 majors), Indonesian and Chinese with no other Arts subjects?

Also, is there a different course for Indonesian language as opposed to 'Indonesian Studies'?

And one more quick question, would I still be able to do Honours for Commerce?


May 21, 2009
I'm not completely sure, but I don't think you'd get away with not doing any other arts courses than the languages, if you did B Comm/Arts. I don't know what ^they're thinking.

I do Advanced Science at UNSW. I was considering doing Science/Arts, but then I realised, all I wanted to do was learn German. So now, I do German as an elective. Out of the 192 units of credit I do over my 4 year course, I can do 42 units of anything - i.e. I'm not completely restricted to doing science subjects. Basically, lanague courses are 6 units per semester. They're split up into Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced and Professional for each year, then into A and B for first and second semester. If you're learning a language from scratch, then finishing the Advanced course for that subject too, you'd be looking at 36 units. (introductory A, B, intermediate A, B, advanced A, B.) I'm sure the requirements would be similar for a commerce degree.

So, you'd either need a course with a lot of flexibility to do two lanagues, from a complete beginner's level to advanced, OR if you've got previous experiences with these languages, you can start off at a higher level. I'm starting german this semester at Intermediate B because I did german continuers for my HSC. I'm not even sure I'll continue doing german for very long. I'm definitely not continuing german at uni past the end of 2012. I'll either just stick to science courses or pick up another language like Spanish or Italian or something.

In my opinion, I'd recommend you do comm (lib studies). But, you know, I do science, so what can I possibly know? :p It also depends on how far you want to go learning these languages.

You should check out the program requirements online. So like, check how much of what kind of subjects you need to take and things like that. Not sure about other unis, but for UNSW, you can look this up on:

Good luck!


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2004
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Any particular reason why you want to study it at university/tertiary level? If you just want to learn a language for fun, I would recommend you consider other ways of learning such as Saturday schools, TAFE, community college, etc.... because at least these won't impact your WAM (and future job prospects potentially) and you're more likely to enjoy it since you're not as committed to it like a uni degree. A few of my friends who thought they were fluent in Mandarin did it at UNSW and found it very difficult, and wouldn't recommend it. That being said it could potentially be very rewarding if you're 100% dead set on it and really will put in the time and effort required to learn a language.

Also remember, noone will ever ask your qualifications when it comes to learning a language unless you are possibly getting a very language specific job (e.g. translator?) and even then, most of the time they will be happy just relying on your own self assessment of competency.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2009
Thanks for the quick replies.

So just to clarify, as an example, if I did B Comm/Arts at UNSW, I could elect to just do Commerce (2 majors), Indonesian and Chinese with no other Arts subjects?

Also, is there a different course for Indonesian language as opposed to 'Indonesian Studies'?

And one more quick question, would I still be able to do Honours for Commerce?
if you so commerce/art at either unis, they will allow you to do up to 2 majors in commerce facilities and 2 majors in arts facilities. so you can do whatever you previously said.

I don't think there is any difference between the two. obviously they are named differently because of their uni and their content will probably be different, but nevertheless, you are still learning indo.

yes you can do a honour i think. just adds another year to your original 5-years duration.


New Member
May 17, 2010
Uni Grad
I'm not completely sure, but I don't think you'd get away with not doing any other arts courses than the languages, if you did B Comm/Arts. I don't know what ^they're thinking.

I do Advanced Science at UNSW. I was considering doing Science/Arts, but then I realised, all I wanted to do was learn German. So now, I do German as an elective. Out of the 192 units of credit I do over my 4 year course, I can do 42 units of anything - i.e. I'm not completely restricted to doing science subjects. Basically, lanague courses are 6 units per semester. They're split up into Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced and Professional for each year, then into A and B for first and second semester. If you're learning a language from scratch, then finishing the Advanced course for that subject too, you'd be looking at 36 units. (introductory A, B, intermediate A, B, advanced A, B.) I'm sure the requirements would be similar for a commerce degree.

So, you'd either need a course with a lot of flexibility to do two lanagues, from a complete beginner's level to advanced, OR if you've got previous experiences with these languages, you can start off at a higher level. I'm starting german this semester at Intermediate B because I did german continuers for my HSC. I'm not even sure I'll continue doing german for very long. I'm definitely not continuing german at uni past the end of 2012. I'll either just stick to science courses or pick up another language like Spanish or Italian or something.

In my opinion, I'd recommend you do comm (lib studies). But, you know, I do science, so what can I possibly know? :p It also depends on how far you want to go learning these languages.

You should check out the program requirements online. So like, check how much of what kind of subjects you need to take and things like that. Not sure about other unis, but for UNSW, you can look this up on:

Good luck!
Hm, right. I never considered electives.. but nor do I know what they really are. I was reading the UNSW handbook for B Comm - are electives what they call 'Free Options'? For free options, it says they must be taken from the Business faculty so I'm guessing I can't do languages as electives? :S

Also, the reason I'm a bit hesitant about Comm (Lib studies) is that from what I've read, I think you can't just do languages.. you have to choose other subjects like sciences/other humanities on top of it. I'm not sure though

Thanks for your reply and I'd appreciate it if you could clarify those things I;m unsure about.


New Member
May 17, 2010
Uni Grad
Any particular reason why you want to study it at university/tertiary level? If you just want to learn a language for fun, I would recommend you consider other ways of learning such as Saturday schools, TAFE, community college, etc.... because at least these won't impact your WAM (and future job prospects potentially) and you're more likely to enjoy it since you're not as committed to it like a uni degree. A few of my friends who thought they were fluent in Mandarin did it at UNSW and found it very difficult, and wouldn't recommend it. That being said it could potentially be very rewarding if you're 100% dead set on it and really will put in the time and effort required to learn a language.

Also remember, noone will ever ask your qualifications when it comes to learning a language unless you are possibly getting a very language specific job (e.g. translator?) and even then, most of the time they will be happy just relying on your own self assessment of competency.
You make a good point and I'll think about it. I'm only really wanting to do the language for fun (+ for when I travel oversease and stuff). I just always thought it'd be easier if I did it as part of my uni studies. Will it really affect my WAM? Are language studies hard or something?

if you so commerce/art at either unis, they will allow you to do up to 2 majors in commerce facilities and 2 majors in arts facilities. so you can do whatever you previously said.

I don't think there is any difference between the two. obviously they are named differently because of their uni and their content will probably be different, but nevertheless, you are still learning indo.

yes you can do a honour i think. just adds another year to your original 5-years duration.
Thanks for explaining that. Also, I didn't realise Comm/Arts was 5 years D:
Do you know if there are more hours per week than just straight Comm? And how much more?
Because I heard doing Comm/Eco is the same hours per week but just 1 extra year.
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