Colleridge + Matrix / Donnie Darko / Imagine (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 13, 2008
I know I'm leaving it a bit late to come up with related essays now but my other one sucked.

Working with Colleridge's poetry, preferably Lime Tree and Frost at Midnight, I'm trying to come up with two decent related materials to it. I'm not sure how many I need for the actual HSC but I'm working with two poems and two supp texts, correct?

I found an old 2004 topic with limited posts on how to analyse The Matrix but im unsure how to related it to the poems (self discovery / self realisation etc)

With Donnie Darko, I may have to watch it a few more times and read a bit to fully understand the concept of this movie and how it can be applied to Colleridge's work, if at all.

Imagine, the John Lennon song of course, the name alone has reference to imagination.

Any suggestions for me and any other students working with these titles, or is there something quicker and easier we can work with?


tl;dr: Matrix, Imagine, Darko = Good to use for Colleridge's poetry?




English / Law
Aug 7, 2005
Aztazm said:
I know I'm leaving it a bit late to come up with related essays now but my other one sucked.

Working with Colleridge's poetry, preferably Lime Tree and Frost at Midnight, I'm trying to come up with two decent related materials to it. I'm not sure how many I need for the actual HSC but I'm working with two poems and two supp texts, correct?

I found an old 2004 topic with limited posts on how to analyse The Matrix but im unsure how to related it to the poems (self discovery / self realisation etc)

With Donnie Darko, I may have to watch it a few more times and read a bit to fully understand the concept of this movie and how it can be applied to Colleridge's work, if at all.

Imagine, the John Lennon song of course, the name alone has reference to imagination.

Any suggestions for me and any other students working with these titles, or is there something quicker and easier we can work with?


tl;dr: Matrix, Imagine, Darko = Good to use for Colleridge's poetry?


Yes, Donnie Darko and Matrix are both good texts to use. However, since both are represented in film mediums, then you may find your techniques become a bit repetitive. That is why for students studying Coleridge, if you do need to use 3 related then doing say a film, novel / short story and image / photo / cartoon / painting would be best.

While 'imagine' by Lennon is a strong related text in terms of its ideas (as you have identified) song lyrics are typically not the best related texts as they are both 'simple' (compared to Romantic poetry) and very common. If you do go ahead with song lyrics though (as i have mentioned in another thread) it may be best to analyse it in terms of both the verse / lines and a music video so you have a multifaceted and multidimensional exploration of a very transcendental and broad focus of imaginative journeys ie both visual and text media.


New Member
May 13, 2008
Thanks Bobness.

You're right about the media type. I have so many ideas running through my head I just need to pick one and write.

Butterfly Effect (Movie) - Contrasts Romantiscm, as they are in touch with nature, see love in natures course, The Butterfly Effect seeks to destrory, change and manipulate nature in the name of love?

La Belle Dame Sans Merci - I think I did this is year 11, am I allowed to use it as supp text's now? Imaginative journey as the knight of arms retells his lost love story?

EDIT: Okay doing The Matrix and La Belle Dame, if I'm allowed to.
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