Discussion- Quality of teaching at different schools (1 Viewer)

Sep 20, 2010
I go to a selective and the quality of teaching is generally very high. The school does VERY well in English, as well as Maths. Biology is also a standout with the head of science producing state rankers consistently. Physics used to be good but then 2 of the good teachers left and we are left with shit. There are two economics teachers and since this year we only had 1 class I landed the crap teacher and that's why I'm dropping it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
All I want is a teacher that is enthusiastic and hardworking. If I had that in all of my classes then all of the students will follow through too.

Some of my teachers have said "I'm not going to keep spoon-feeding you." It's always the teachers that NEVER spoon-feed you because they have no fucking idea that say this. Anyone else get this?
Exactly like my biology teacher. All he does is say that and brags about how good he is at biology. He doesn't even answer my question but drones on..


Jun 26, 2010
At our school..

Maths - quite excellent. Some teachers are better than others, definitely, but as a whole they are quite good.
English - this department is quite a mess. DISTINCT differences between teachers, there are definitely some good ones, but definitely some not so good ones as well.
Science - mostly dud. They teach us nothing, expect us to know everything. My physics teacher is so lazy nowadays that she just prints hsc online for us to read in class -_- and as such, phys is the only subject I have a tutor for. The head teacher is the laziest person in the whole department, but he's probably also the most knowledgeable.
Social Sciences - ranges from "no idea what they're talking about" to "absolute genius but cbf". I think my teacher is "no idea what they're talking about" haha. Sincerely wish I had another teacher for this subject, but tbh with eco it's not so much of a loss, I basically self-learn the syllabus.
PD - from what I've heard, they teach well, but mark far too easy. Not the worst but not the best dept.
IA - my sources tell me - quite dud. I think they KNOW things, maybe, but most of them never seem to have any idea of what they're doing.
Languages - Great. We only have jap and latin classes in our grade and they both think their teachers are great.
Histories - probably the department which has fallen from grace. It used to be excellent in the time of the legendary Bruce Dennett (look him up, he wrote a history textbook), but now we've been getting worse. The last year Dennett taught was in 2008 - take a look at the modern state ranker list for that year and you'll see what I mean.
Music - no idea, I don't know the new teachers. This is like the defence against the dark arts department, I think in the time I've been at this school we've had 5 or 6 new teachers of music come and go.
D&T - really only there for the sake of the junior school :p
VA - quite good. Normally there's one class, and the head takes it, and he's quite a good teacher.

As you can see, GENERALLY the teachers we get are quite good. Sometimes I DO wonder how some teachers can even be qualified to teach at our school.. @___@

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