Questionnaire on attitudes to Compulsory National Service - Australia
Dear survey respondent,
I am asking for your assistance to complete this questionnaire to fulfil the requirements for a school topic of study.
I wish to examine attitudes towards Compulsory national service, and how you feel it affects issues like national pride and national security.
The results are strictly confidential – I am interested only in the results, not from who they originated from.
Thank you for completing the questionnaire.
Using a scale as follows, please answer the following questions:
1 strongly disagree
2 mildly disagree
3 no strong feeling
4 mildly agree
5 strongly agree
1.[FONT="] [/FONT]If I spent time in national service, it would have a positive impact on my life.
2.[FONT="] [/FONT]I would feel proud to serve my country in this way.
3.[FONT="] [/FONT]Every young person should spend time in military service.
4.[FONT="] [/FONT]Australia’s national security would be enhanced by the NS program.
5.[FONT="] [/FONT]A country should be able to call upon its people to serve in its army.
6.[FONT="] [/FONT]Compulsory military service is an invasion of human rights.
7.[FONT="] [/FONT]A national service program instils a sense of national pride in a country.
8.[FONT="] [/FONT]Participating in NS would define me as a man.
9.[FONT="] [/FONT]I would learn skills that useful for later life.
10.[FONT="] [/FONT]All countries should have compulsory military service.
11.[FONT="] [/FONT]My feelings would be no different if my country was at war.
12.[FONT="] [/FONT]Governments should provide special benefits like lower taxes for those who serve their country.
13.[FONT="] [/FONT]Do you have any other comments to make?
14.[FONT="] [/FONT]age
15.[FONT="] [/FONT]sex
16. if Australia was at war, would you support conscription? (free answer)