Dear Students,
The University is going through a period of major change in response to
our serious financial position and as a result, there will be
substantial staff changes.
The changes being proposed are designed to create greater efficiencies
and a stronger focus on our core activities including student services.
Although the magnitude of staff reductions may make it difficult to
comprehend at the moment, the planned changes will improve the way the
University works and provides services.
The student body is the University of Newcastle's most important
asset and the changes planned have the delivery of academic programs as
well as student services and support as our top priority.
It is very important for you to understand that you have a guarantee
from the University that you will be able to complete your chosen
The University is changing some courses within degree programs and
these changes will begin to come into effect in 2006. Student members of
the Academic Senate, including the President of NUSA and the immediate
past President of NUPSA, have been taking part in these changes and sit
on the Reference Committee and Steering Committee of the Academic
Senate's rationalisation process.
Although the scale and scope of the present Senate action is
comparatively large, it is important to note that the University
constantly revises and rationalises its courses so that we can be sure
we are offering the best and most relevant degree programs.
Our major focus is to protect the integrity of the academic standards
of the University and maintain the high level of student services and
academic experience provided to you.
I appreciate that there is concern among students as to the future
shape of the University. Let me assure you that the steps we are taking
now are vital for the future of this University. We need to make savings
across the University to reduce the budget deficit. Without these
changes, the University projects it would continue to run a deficit of
between $23M and $28M each year.
The University of Newcastle has a very high reputation for its teaching
and research. We must make every effort to maintain that reputation and
make tough decisions now to protect your future study.
I urge you to attend forums for students at Callaghan and Ourimbah next
week, to get a clear understanding of the University's position and to
take the opportunity to ask questions of the senior management.
The University is only as strong as its student body. I want you to
know that you are an important part of this organisation and have a part
and a voice in its future.
Nick Saunders
Student Forums
Callaghan Campus
Griffith Duncan Theatre, Tuesday 10 May at 5pm
Ourimbah Campus
Lecture Theatre 2, Wednesday 11 May at 5pm.
Nicholas Saunders
Vice-Chancellor and President
The University of Newcastle
University Drive
Tel: (02) 4921 5101
Fax: (02) 4921 5115