Hm it seems a lot of you all have the usual falling out of things/falling over etc.
oo i hate those tests for glaucoma! When i had that last puff of air in my eye a few years ago, it took 30mins, and eventually they had to get 2 pple in to physically hold my eye open haha. It is so hard, coz you are just sitting there, knowing that a big puff of air is going to come at any moment nad you have to keep both eyes open and not blink....
THe opthamologists assistant does it a different way, they put a few drops in and stuff, including a local I think, and then uses this pen thats put very close to the eye and it measures the pressure that way.
Ive had hm numerous big grazes on my knees and feet and arms from being so clumsy.
-myopia (short sighted), astigmatism and congenital nsystagmus, even though no one else in teh family has eye problems (well mum now has glasses for reading)
its funny meeting pple for hte first time and you know that they are just looking at my eyes going geee how does she make them shake lol. Ive tried looking in the mirror numerous times and i can never see it.
-now got a chronic retinal detachment, which is a result of the really strong lenses so if i get the operation, my myopia in the left eye will get worse, and I will be at increased risk of glaucoma AND cataracts. And if i get cataract surgery that puts more risk of another detachment.....
-NUMErOUS ingrown toenail operations. I cant remember how many ive had lol. ONe time i was waiting in the car for mum for her '5min shopping tirip'...30mins later i was nearly screaming blue murder and feeling sick. Got home had a shower before resting and yelled out to mum i dont feel to good...and then I fainted...Thank god i didnt hit my head!
-last year a podiatry student did my toe and they stuck 2 lots of local in and i ended up with nerve damage and could only bend that big toe up, but not curl it. I could move it with my finger moving it but yeah not the toe itself. It recovered a month later
-really buck teeth
-some sort of speech impediment...its not quite a lisp but still close enough to it,...its really fucked up my confidence and stuff like that. mum got me doing drama etc to improve my self confidnece but it did the opposite.
-lack of hopeless at most sports haha.
-twisted ankles a few times, but just rest for a few days was fine.
-fell up a set of stairs ironically on the way to the doctors, and was close to breaking the leg...i still got the bump on my leg 18months later.
-pronating feet whcih affect my hips and back.
-scolosis...but only slight
-back and shoulder pain.
-concussed a few times
-ran into a glass door a few times coz im so clumsy and blind lol
-was nearly killed before i was even born---my 'dad' tried to stab mum in the stomach close to full term (that makes me just forever hate him)
-various bruises and scratches from having violent/rough brothers
-sprained my middle right finger really badly one day playing netball...even though the ball was down the other end of the court and a frien were just talking, using our hands, and some freaky accidnet caused them to connect and yeah really really hurt!
-ongoing occasional nausea and headaches.
-this really strange dizzy spells at night time where im not exactly spinning, im like shaking my head from side to side it feels like....
the neurologist thinks thats coz of my brain was able to compensate for my nystagmus but as ive gotten older, my brain isnt compensating.
-this weird blocked feeling under my right ear, which the ENT doc thought was just due to the wisdom teeth pressing on the nerve and the brain goes oh its a brain thing....
-when the audiologist did a test where they stuck a probe in my ear and did a pressure thing, i felt really giddy afterwards but the left ear was fine.
-impacted wisdom teeth
-ended up reacting to the maxalon that I was given for post op nausea/dizziness, and had a dystonic reaction-tongue hanging out sooooo much it hurt like hell and felt like it was swollen, drooling, shaking head initially backwards and hard to get upright, then it was stiff to the right and took a lot of concentration to look straight ahead
the ambos were worried coz my blood pressure was so high, my pupils really big and unequal, very vauge and shaking so they wanted to get me to the hospital asap, but not with the lights flashing..they didnt need them coz i only live down the road, and itw as like midnight lol.
coz of me trying to get het tongue in, i bite down so hard and it ended up giving me a huge ulcer and it made it hard and painful to eat and talk..but easier to talk than when my tongue was hanging out!!
-a 7 wk period that flucated between very heavy, changing every 1hr, to nothing..found a uterine polyp whic was removed under a general, and i had the worse pain imaginable afterwards....very heavy periods and stuff in the post op period.
and finally, possibly either RSI, osteoarthritis or a ligament strain or something with my right thumb. It comes and goes with the pain, turning off taps hurts, and yet i can write. Going for an xray tmw.
um i think thats it lol.