just not caring. (2 Viewers)


je t'aime.
Aug 28, 2008
so, got my trial results back and stuff the other day, went crap because i didn't deal with the pressure at all, but also posing the question to myself that maybe i'm not as intelligent as everyone seems to think i am, which isn't the point of this post, but an interesting thought, because of the conflicting views of whether the hsc is a true measure of your 'intelligence' or not. i seem to think that it's not, but it seems to be perceived this way by so many others. just rambling, so back to the point,

i've always had a clear vision that i want to do psychology after school, become a psychologist, etc etc, preferably at sydney or anu, and i never really contemplated failing that goal, but after my trial results, it's become a reality to be honest, and i don't seem to care? i seem to be resigned to the fact that i'll probs end up doing some crap degree at uow that i only got into because i get extra points for where i live. but i'm concerned that it doesn't bother me at all. i'm also concerned that i seem to have no interest in further education and now have no idea what i actually want out of life. growing up, moving on, people moving away, people passing on, it all seems bigger than education and i seem to be of the thoughts that i've wasted the past 13 years of my life and have no idea how to get out of this little 'rut' i've dug myself into.

anyone else feeling the same? just seeing if there's anyone else out there who seems to think this whole system of life is ridiculous.


May 26, 2009
I've never cared. I just accept the fact that what happens simply happens. If life for me goes one way or the other, I don't think about it, I just accept it. Doing the best you can if what really matters, and if that takes you somewhere, so be it.

For the HSC, there are so many other ways to base your intelligence. The HSC is limited. Take for example English. Essays are the main medium to base your English skills upon, however someone can be a gun in verbal skills yet fail in essays, and the HSC will deem them a failure at English.

Remember, there are many pathways to your goals.


je t'aime.
Aug 28, 2008
I've never cared. I just accept the fact that what happens simply happens. If life for me goes one way or the other, I don't think about it, I just accept it. Doing the best you can if what really matters, and if that takes you somewhere, so be it.

For the HSC, there are so many other ways to base your intelligence. The HSC is limited. Take for example English. Essays are the main medium to base your English skills upon, however someone can be a gun in verbal skills yet fail in essays, and the HSC will deem them a failure at English.

Remember, there are many pathways to your goals.
i guess it's more the point that i have material goals, like yeah i'd like to get an atar of 97, which isn't going to happen, but i just don't care about them anymore, nor do i have actual life goals. i've just gone on this, you know what, i don't give a crap, way of thinking. gahh.

and also, what's bugging me, is the like, 'oh, here's three months free to make up for all the time you could have spent actually living while you were young, but you had to waste your time in school. soz.' society today just doesn't seem to lend itself to enjoying yourself while you're young.


just a star-crossed lover
May 27, 2008
Awww cheer up..

edit: PMed

also if you check out my blogs you'll find a lot of what i write there is quite philosophical and somewhat emotional.
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i am number -e^i*pi
Feb 18, 2007
let me tell you this.

ethan (you probably know him) dropped pharmacy because he had no motivation to study, he wanted the whole work + party lifestyle.

dropped pharm, went on 3-4 week partying spree - and is now compltely over it and has to apply for uni because he says the lifestyle then was the one with truly no direction.

stick to where you originally planned, mght as well do something productive with ur time


Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008
Even if you cant get into psych straight away its not a big issue, just get yourself into a B/A and transfer. The most important thing is getting into the system, after that you have quite a few options.


Mar 21, 2008
so, got my trial results back and stuff the other day, went crap because i didn't deal with the pressure at all, but also posing the question to myself that maybe i'm not as intelligent as everyone seems to think i am, which isn't the point of this post, but an interesting thought, because of the conflicting views of whether the hsc is a true measure of your 'intelligence' or not. i seem to think that it's not, but it seems to be perceived this way by so many others. just rambling, so back to the point,

i've always had a clear vision that i want to do psychology after school, become a psychologist, etc etc, preferably at sydney or anu, and i never really contemplated failing that goal, but after my trial results, it's become a reality to be honest, and i don't seem to care? i seem to be resigned to the fact that i'll probs end up doing some crap degree at uow that i only got into because i get extra points for where i live. but i'm concerned that it doesn't bother me at all. i'm also concerned that i seem to have no interest in further education and now have no idea what i actually want out of life. growing up, moving on, people moving away, people passing on, it all seems bigger than education and i seem to be of the thoughts that i've wasted the past 13 years of my life and have no idea how to get out of this little 'rut' i've dug myself into.

anyone else feeling the same? just seeing if there's anyone else out there who seems to think this whole system of life is ridiculous.

you havn't wasted the past 13 years of your life unless you give up now and actually go forth with this whole "so over hsc" attitude. even if you've performed poorly in your trials it's okay... trust me so have a lot of people (e.g me!) so you're still in the running. seriously if you give up now then yeah you've wasted the 13 years, but if you study your arse off now and redeem yourself then no you didn't waste any time at all. don't underestimate yourself either, i'm sure you can do very well if you commit yourself 150% in the next two months and then your dream of pysch at usyd or anu can very easily come true. at the end of the day you owe it to yourself to do well so don't sell yourself short!

as for the whole "system of life being ridiculous" no, no it's not it's the darn hsc turns you off life completely. but hey two short months and we'll be skipping down the road singing "what a wonderful world!"

hang in there :)
Apr 8, 2008
In front of my computer screen...
You're not the only one, especially after trials I feel kinda bummed out because I don't think Year 12 has been one of my favourite years of school and it seems like a dodgy way to leave 13 years of schooling. I think it's pretty common to feel apathetic for a while after exams, I mean I look back at some of them particularly and think this doesn't reflect me or my peers relative abilities at all, just how well an individual does in an exam, and cope with exam stress.
It sucks that you didn't do well because of difficulty coping with exam stress rather than anything to do with your ability but hopefully that can motivate you for the HSC exams and give you practice with dealing with a range of subjects in a reasonably short expanse of time.

I wouldn't say the HSC is a measure of intelligence necessarily, because I think it's more your ability to learn required information and regurgitate it in an appropriate discourse for a particular subject. Having said that, doing well in the HSC could be a reflection of being "intelligent" in academia, but obviously everyone has their own strengths and is more intelligent in some areas of life than others. I know someone who got an IQ of over 165 when they were young but they didn't study for HSC and got a UAI for 89, whereas others obviously consistently work hard for the HSC and get over 99.

So yeah, I reckon the HSC may be an indicator of intelligence but only to an extent, and it's more reflective of how one copes with exam conditions/ learns the required content I think rather than necessarily grasping concepts the strongest or having the greatest natural recall. But DEFINITELY, don't question your own intelligence based on one set of exams; it cannot be anything more than an indicator for how you respond to required tasks or whatever.

Not knowing what you want to do for a while isn't too bad, because well obviously I would say there is more to life than education. But I'm guessing you have thought about maybe that school seeks to achieve more than the written syllabus; in the past 13 years you/everyone else has also been able to create and maintain social relationships, learn organisational skills, etiquette and punctuality, commit to extra curricular activities etc, and these kind of all accumulate as necessary life skills in our society. So it's not necessarily the actual school content you've learnt that is important, it's the processes which you can expand on later in life. Hopefully it has helped you to envision the bigger picture you talk about, and hopefully you were inspired to do psychology in the future in part through school influence.

I don't think it matters whether you end up getting into UOW or Usyd for example to do psychology because the course should inherently remain the same, the main difference is the popularity of each Uni's course. Not doing as well as you hoped in one set of trial exams, however significant they may seem to attaining your dream should not deter you from your goal and you don't have to settle for another "crappy" course instead. The fact that you feel a bit worried that you don't care if you have to compromise your career goals suggests at least deep down you do care and you still want that Psych degree, even if your confidence has been affected by your trial marks. If you really get into a lower course, you can always transfer to psych after 6 -12 months to the Uni you want if you do reasonably well in first year Uni(definitely doable for you!).

You'll be fine, we all have our down days. A few more days after trials and you hopefully won't feel so crap, because like you said, education is only one aspect of our lives and the HSC is not the definitive indicator of intelligence and it never can be. I think the most likely way out of this rut is time, but if that doesn't seem right you could always talk to your careers counsellor/family/friends about what you envision as the bigger picture and how to consider that rather than such specific educational goals. But I don't think school has been a waste really (even if it does seem like it sometimes), considering that what you learn as school content is only one part of what one gains from school. My family friends have friends in their mid 20s and have completed degrees and are maintaining decent jobs but they still have no idea what to do with their lives, so all is not lost:p Plus, people in our generation are expected to have 5 main career changes and 29 job changes so if you drift from psych to other courses/jobs or whatever that at least makes you as unsure/flexible as the rest of us:D

What's happened has happened. You are still who you are, and you can be pretty much whatever you want to be that is humanly possible (once you decide what that is if it isn't psychology). God, I really need to learn how to write short posts:p
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just a star-crossed lover
May 27, 2008
you havn't wasted the past 13 years of your life unless you give up now and actually go forth with this whole "so over hsc" attitude. even if you've performed poorly in your trials it's okay... trust me so have a lot of people (e.g me!) so you're still in the running. seriously if you give up now then yeah you've wasted the 13 years, but if you study your arse off now and redeem yourself then no you didn't waste any time at all. don't underestimate yourself either, i'm sure you can do very well if you commit yourself 150% in the next two months and then your dream of pysch at usyd or anu can very easily come true. at the end of the day you owe it to yourself to do well so don't sell yourself short!

as for the whole "system of life being ridiculous" no, no it's not it's the darn hsc turns you off life completely. but hey two short months and we'll be skipping down the road singing "what a wonderful world!"

hang in there :)
You remind me of me when i was younger. :)

oh and this post has made my day. Would rep if i could..


Active Member
Mar 25, 2008
why not just drop out now and become a tradie or a forklift driver or something

no study

no stress

no HSC english

no due dates

cold hard beer at the end of the day with the wife n kids

bloody awesomeeeeee (seriously)



just a star-crossed lover
May 27, 2008
why not just drop out now and become a tradie or a forklift driver or something

no study

no stress

no HSC english

no due dates

cold hard beer at the end of the day with the wife n kids

bloody awesomeeeeee (seriously)

pretty sure that would get anyone moving hey?
Thanks for the motivational boost :)

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