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Media Reports for Crime, Global Environment and World Order? (1 Viewer)


Aug 18, 2004
NSW, Aus
if you can put some here, that would be great! not case studies, but current media reports! and URLs if you can or where you got the info. I will post some up tomorrow.




Jun 4, 2004
neither here nor there
sorry, these arent very current :(

27.3.2004. 09:45:19

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says he should have done more to try to prevent the genocide in Rwanda 10 years ago.

The 1994 genocide occurred while he was the head of UN peacekeeping.

"The international community failed Rwanda and that must leave us always with a sense of bitter regret and abiding sorrow," he told a memorial conference ahead of the 10th anniversary of the slaughter next month.

"If the international community had acted promptly and with determination, it could have stopped most of the killing. But the political will was not there, and nor were the troops," Mr Annan said.

The massacre of 800,000 people, along with the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia-Hercegovina, had a lasting impact on his decision-making as secretary general of the world body, he said.

"I believed at the time I was doing my best. But I realised after the genocide that there was more that I could and should have done to sound the alarm and rally support," he said.

The mass killing, which has remained one of the darkest moments in UN history, began in the tiny African nation after then president Juvenal Habyarimana's plane was shot down while preparing to land.

His death unleashed the rage of ethnic Hutu extremists, who killed both Hutu moderates and their Tutsi rivals. Between 800,000 and one million people were killed between April and July 1994.

A 1999 report laid blame on Mr Annan as well as the United States and other Security Council nations for failing to take the steps needed to stop the killing.

The council declined to send extra troops for General Romeo Dallaire of Canada, who was head of the small UN peacekeeping force on the ground when the massacre took place.

And Canadian Foreign Minister Bill Graham told the memorial conference that one decade later, the United Nations had still not reached a consensus on how to stop such slaughters from occurring again.

SOURCE: World News SBS


Jun 4, 2004
neither here nor there
7.6.2004. 18:48:47

India's new Congress-led government has announced it will back autonomy for the disputed region of Kashmir.

"The government will respect in letter and spirit Article 370 of the constitution that accords a special status to Jammu and Kashmir," said the government's first policy statement to parliament, read by ceremonial head of state President Abdul Kalam.

"Dialogue with groups and with different shades of opinion in Jammu and Kashmir will be pursued on a sustained basis in consultation with the democratically elected state government," it read.

Article 370, officially a "temporary" measure, says Kashmir should have self-rule in all areas except defence, foreign affairs and communication.

The former Hindu nationalist-led government had called for the article to be rescinded and for Kashmir to be integrated fully into India.

It had started talks with Kashmiri separatists, and new Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says they will resume in July.

Kashmir is in part administered by Pakistan, and the state was never fully part of British-ruled India.

A bitter anti-Indian Islamic insurgency there has claimed tens of thousands of lives since 1989.


Jun 4, 2004
neither here nor there
19.3.2004. 13:11:47


Dozens of Orthodox Serb churches, monasteries and homes have been torched and vandalised in Kosovo, as violence between ethnic Serbs and ethnic Albanians intensifies.

At least 31 people have died in two days of the worst violence since the 1999 Kosovo war and about 500 have been injured.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has announced UN staff have been pulled out of the flashpoint town of Mitrovica amit rising security fears.

The divided city of Mitrovica is where the trouble began, after the deaths of three Albanian children, blamed on the Serbs.

NATO has sent reinforcements to support its 17,000 troops and the 10,000 international and local police that are in charge of security in the Serbian province.

Father Sava Janjic, from the Decani Serb Orthodox monastery, said he has blamed the violence on extremist Albanians.

He said: “I can say this is really devastating. We are here facing a real pogram. Since yesterday 22 Serbian Orthodox churches have been set on fire and destroyed.

“We don't still have fully confirmed information about Serb casualties, but it appears that it's dozens.”

Serbs have responded by burning several mosques.

Albanians have managed to get past NATO peacekeepers to set fire to churches in Mitrovica and the town of Obilic, west Pristina, where about 100 local Serbs had to be evacuated.

Crowds of Albanians were also reported to be trying to storm a church being protected by Finnish peacekeepers in the central town of Lipljan.

NATO troops had to use teargas against Albanian protesters trying to march on the village of Caglavica, south of Pristina, for the second day on Thursday.

Flights in and out of Kosovo have been suspended and internal boundaries with Serbia have been closed.

The European Union has called on local leaders to rein in the violence - and the main Kosovo Albanian political parties have issued a statement urging their supporters to call off the protests. The UN Security Council is due to discuss the issue.

Kosovo has an ethnic Albanian population of 1.8 million, compared to just 80,000 ethnic Serbs most of whom live in protected enclaves.


Jun 4, 2004
neither here nor there
This ones from ages ago but its good if you're using East Timor peacekeeping forces etc:


Violence erupts in East Timor as independence vote nears

KERRY O'BRIEN: But first to East Timor, and with the landmark vote on independence just four days off, violence erupted in Dili just a couple of hours ago, with at least two deaths reported after pro-Indonesian militia opened fire on pro-independence supporters. The gun battle has given dramatic emphasis to the warnings by UN observers in recent days to expect a new wave of militia violence worse than any experienced so far.

If the pro-Indonesia militias do mount the last-minute terror campaign many are predicting, they'll severely embarrass Jakarta. It had guaranteed a secure environment for a genuinely free vote and the Indonesian military has repeatedly been accused of backing armed gangs. In a few minutes, I'll cross to ABC correspondent Tim Lester, who is watching the tense stand-off in Dili as we speak. But first, this background report he filed just a short time ago.

TIM LESTER: For many East Timorese, events like this are extraordinary. From the mid-70s, when Indonesia invaded, until just months ago, to demonstrate for independence was to risk being shot. "So all my brothers, this is the time," says Frederico Da Costa, "enough for 24 years." A retired mariner, he's one among 450,000 East Timorese who will choose on Monday between autonomy within Indonesia or independence.

FREDERICO DA COSTA, FORMER PRO-INDONESIA ACTIVIST: I still have hope that if independence w ins, people will have more freedom and a better life.

TIM LESTER: Like so many here, the 65-year-old's decision on how to vote has been forged by years of brutality. It was a very different Frederico Da Costa, who in 1974 helped form Apodeti, the political group that lobbied for East Timor's integration within Indonesia.

FREDERICO DA COSTA: After I saw what happened I feel very sad, because I'm one of those who led the people to integration and I still have a responsibility for that.

BASILIO ARAUJO, PRO-INDONESIA ACTIVIST: In case we fall for independence, we'll face what we faced in 1975.

TIM LESTER: At pro-Indonesia rallies like this one in the northern coastal town of Manatu to, one message is economic.

BASILIO ARAUJO: After three months, there was no oil, there is no food. I, myself, had to kill to receive just one kilogram of rice and sugar.

TIM LESTER: Another message is about the possibility of bloodshed. Some pro-integrationists speak of the UN ballot as fuel for East Timor's conflict.

BASILIO ARAUJO: What we're seeing is that the world is creating or is preparing the gladiators ready to fight each other.

DEWI FORTUNA ANWAR, PRESIDENT HABIBIE'S ADVISER: If, after the ballot, whatever the outcomes, one side, the dissatisfied side, were to take arms again, it defeats the whole purpose of this exercise. And I'm afraid the East Timorese will probably lose the only window of opportunity that they have for resolving their conflict.

TIM LESTER: The threats of violence haven't moved Indonesia's Government in the face of pre ssure for an international peacekeeping force. President Habibie's spokesperson says Indonesia will handle security.

DEWI FORTUNA ANWAR: As long as East Timor is still legally within Indonesia, Indonesia will not accept a peacekeeping force.

TIM LESTER: In fact, violence will influence many votes on Monday and not just those backing Indonesia. Frederico Da Costa's political about-face began when Indonesia's military killed many of his relatives, among the one-third of all East Timorese who died in the invasion's early years. It was completed when his son joined a protest eight years ago to Dili's Santa Cruz cemetery.

FREDERICO DA COSTA: This one was lost on 12 November. I feel proud because he lost his life, but he died for his future.

TIM LESTER: As many as 270 died in a hail of gunfire from Indonesia's military. One son dead in the Dili massacre, Frederico tried to send his other son away to a safer country.

FREDERICO DA COSTA: He told me, "I want to fight for East Timor's independence and if I will die, I will die in East Timor. I don't want to go away."

TIM LESTER: He simply says this son is yet to come home. Another family member told us the young independence fighter was beheaded by militia.

EURICO GUTERRES, DILI MILITIA LEADER: I will fight until my last drop of blood.

TIM LESTER: The feared leader of Dili-based militia, Aitarak, Eurico Guterres sees a divided East Timor after Monday's vote, severed into Indonesian and independent states.

EURICO GUTERRES: Something should be arranged for those living in the new country and those in the old country. We will make new rules and draw a new border.

DR DOMINGOS DE SOUSA, EAST TIMORESE ACADEMIC: We feel that there will be some violence after the ballot.

TIM LESTER: Academic and independence supporter Domingos de Sousa expects Jakarta to sabotage the ballot. He, like many, sees East Timor's militias as a front for the Indonesian military, which he says has too much pride to simply pack up and leave.

DR DOMINGOS DE SOUSA: Whenever they think that they have lost, they will destroy, they will destroy before leaving. So this is how they're afraid about the problem.

TIM LESTER: You wouldn't expect Indonesia's military to leave peacefully?

DR DOMINGOS DE SOUSA: I don't suppose that, because look at what is going until today.

DEWI FORTUNA ANWAR: Why would we not be sincere in carrying out a policy which this govern ment had introduced in the first place and which for its own credibility is very much dependent upon?

TIM LESTER: Across Dili harbour, independence convert Frederico Da Costa looks out on an Indonesian naval vessel with suspicion. He has some powerful reasons for mistrusting Jakarta, but he's hopeful. If the independence movement wins, he says he might even shave the beard he began growing when his son vanished. A pro-independence vote on Monday seems likely, but that will almost certainly stir some violence from pro-Indonesia groups. Frederico Da Costa knows there are still obstacles before the Indonesia he once wanted in East Timor is gone.

SOURCE: 7:30 Report on Channel ABC

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