HSC guy said:
At all of you having a go at him for being a hypocrite by talking about loyalty and then doing this just take a step back and think about things. Last year he was a naive kid and Mason convinced him to sign an underpriced long term contract for the sake of the team. And SBW did that when he could have taken the same french offer last year, but then Mason left and SBW decided if everyone else only cares about themselves it's time i start doing things for myself too only after those arround him lied to him.
You're overthinking it and contradicting yourself. So SBW was angry at mason: he talked about how unloyal Mason is; that SBW proclaimed that people should be more loyal. ... then you say that Mason left so SBW grew up and decided not to be loyal... Those are the exact same occasions.
Look, SBW is an absolute hypocrite. There's no doubt about it: he openly told everyone how important being loyal to your club is, then broke his contract to his long term club that developed him. Is he disloyal? Absolutely. You can't argue against that.
Ultimately, the question is: can you fault him for doing what he did? Yes. You can. If his contract was for one year, then at the end of the season he went to France, then we couldn't really fault him (apart from violating his "Bulldogs all the way" comments).
If I stayed with my grad company for ten years, spoke at meetings about loyalty and decreasing employee turnover rates; then got a job as CEO at some other company, I would also be a hypocrite and an opportunist; but the decision would make business sense, just like sonny bill's
Not if he doesn't come back. I'd be shocked if the IRB bans him, and he's only young, he could be there for 10-15 years. And by then he'd be rich enough to retire and live in France. On top of that i'd say his new french team will buy out his contract to avoid any possible trouble.
lol so if you break a contract in australia and then go overseas, there's nothing they can do? wow, i have an awesome idea: i'm going to start a company and get heaps of money from clients, not do the work, then move to france. then they can't sue me...