Recent content by FunkmistrssDina

  1. FunkmistrssDina

    HSC students to get results by SMS

    Goddamn! I was going to post the site here cause I just found it but NO I just had to be too slow :P
  2. FunkmistrssDina

    HSC students to get results by SMS

    I want to know my mark for each subject after I do that exam. I hate waiting!
  3. FunkmistrssDina

    Who needs to wear school uniform to the exams ?

    Aww you lucky shyte's who don't have to wear uniform! I would do so much better if I could sit the exams in my trackies and wife beater...
  4. FunkmistrssDina

    HSC students to get results by SMS

    I reckon I'll wait under your window to catch your 1k phone :)
  5. FunkmistrssDina

    Je ne sais pas comment on tudie pour le Franais...

    I do extension french... I really like Marius et Jeanette, though I suspect that I won't want to ever watch it again after HSC!
  6. FunkmistrssDina

    The Exam

    Oh wow! I completely forgot about speaking (and that's a good thing!)
  7. FunkmistrssDina

    Reading Comprehension Question - wow it rhymes.

    Mais ceci dit, (hehe go ext french!) the paper you are looking at is an old HSC ones. The more recent ones tend to have more specific questions as far as I have been able to see, and not really evaluation questions except perhaps the last question. Generally its about picking the right sentence...
  8. FunkmistrssDina

    The Exam

    I hate long exams :( I'm still sticking with writing on every second line. The only problem is that I'll have no idea how much I've actually written, like how many words, because the pages are completely different sizes :/
  9. FunkmistrssDina

    Je ne sais pas comment on tudie pour le Franais...

    J'ai commenc d'tudier le Franais il y a 8 ans, mais c'tait pas serieux au dbut. Quand j'avais dix ans j'ai habit en Suisse pendant presque deux ans, donc c'est l ou je apprenais le plupart de ma connaisance de la langue. Malhereusement, j'ai oubli beaucoup avant que j'avais l'occasion de...
  10. FunkmistrssDina

    Ancient Exam Thoughts....

    <--- is yet to throw ancient notes out. brb...
  11. FunkmistrssDina

    writing with blue pen

    ) Hahaha I'm sure not. You will fail all your exams now! (not :P) I've been using black.
  12. FunkmistrssDina

    Module C - History & Memory

    I hope that's true! I hate 50th gate so much that I never really read it, so I just bullshitted with no real textual reference. My supps were a bit better but still not quite what they are looking for I think. The question was great though.
  13. FunkmistrssDina

    Module B - All Texts

    Jeebus Anne it sounds like you did very well! I think I went ok in this module (I so skin too)... It was really quite hard to use the quote for in the skin of a lion, I agree.
  14. FunkmistrssDina

    Module A - Transformations

    Did anyone else write at all in first person? The fucking question got me confuddles! I know that myself and a few of my friends did intro and conclusion in first person. I think that was wrong :/
  15. FunkmistrssDina

    Ancient Exam Thoughts....

    I think I did ok in sections 1 and 2, but I completely fucked my essays up :( Very depressing, because I know it's entirely my fault for not studying.