Recent content by GaDaMIt

  1. GaDaMIt

    Engineering Associations and Work Experience

    I'd suggest you try find a Cadetship. Go on seek and google it every so often until you find something suitable. Work experience would be a bit hard for a second year since you really don't have much to offer. They'd much rather take on penultimate year students. Or simply use your...
  2. GaDaMIt

    ECOS2002 Intermediate Macro

    I'm doing this at summer school simply to get ahead. Now I'm curious. Can anyone who has done this subject link me to a few resources on the internet that may provide suitable reference materials eg public access to other university's resources etc. Also if anyone who has done the subject...
  3. GaDaMIt

    Which second year commerce subject to do?

    I'm fairly sure MATH1005 satisfies that prerequisite as well, which I've done as part of my engineering degree. But yeah, I'm not all that worried about economics. I only have enough units for one major unless I stay behind longer at uni (which I don't want to) and as such will only major in...
  4. GaDaMIt

    Which second year commerce subject to do?

    I'd like to add that I'm considering... IBUS2101 International Business Strategy ... at the moment. I know its not related to Finance but it still is a Commerce unit and I have to do more Commerce subjects than there are compulsory units from Finance. And it seems sort of beneficial to...
  5. GaDaMIt

    Which second year commerce subject to do?

    Hi First a bit of background.. You dont need to read the next three paragraphs, I'll provide a summary of what I'm after in the fourth paragraph down from here. I'm doing a combined Civil(structures) engineering/Commerce degree, currently in my second year. Now my problem is that because I...
  6. GaDaMIt

    Dropping a subject before census date

    So a background.. Doing a Civil (structural) / Commerce combined degree... After achieving good marks last semester I thought I'd overload a subject this semester (Soil Mechanics - CIVL2410). However, I'm not sure I'll be able to cope well with the additional workload so I ask the...
  7. GaDaMIt

    HD DVD encryption breached

    25gb is slight? Per GB Blu Ray is cheaper .. something like 0.40 compared to 0.60 US dollars.. Cbf wiki-ing it EDIT: LOL just saw the date of post, my bad
  8. GaDaMIt

    promotional offer on laptop = good deal???

    Uhh.. why is what he said so funny? Rudd DID in fact make a claim somewhat similar to that..
  9. GaDaMIt

    Boyfriends And The HSC

    OH I like you
  10. GaDaMIt

    hard but not impossible complex q.

    I dont believe you made it up Either that or I dont want your answer as I do not trust in your mathematical abilities WHOS WITH ME PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111!!oneone1 Christ im bored First night im not doing anything in a long while :(
  11. GaDaMIt

    Here's another interesting quesiton.

    You guys are entertaining.
  12. GaDaMIt

    I got 30 or below UAI.

    Yeah well all rounders are if you get AT LEAST 10 units 90+.. not all your units Assuming you can read the amount of marks he posted you would see he does 12 units
  13. GaDaMIt

    Post Your UAI's Here

    Understandable considering your retarded /rant I got 97.15.. lol .. 80 for physics examination mark screwed me over, but I'm stoked. Night before study for all worked out.. even though all my assessment marks were higher than examination :)
  14. GaDaMIt

    Structural Engineering - USyd any good?

    Here are two posts from the topic found here, first from me and then from a replier to my message.. Is there any basis to this comment? Basically; please answer the thread title?