Recent content by sp0radic

  1. sp0radic

    Rate your best and worst subjects

    best = no idea worst = economics
  2. sp0radic

    Number of Units?

    why doesn't anyone do 10 units? it is the most logical selection!!
  3. sp0radic

    Year 12!

    I feel behind :(
  4. sp0radic

    Blabber on about your first hsc assessment block!

    yeah i hate pract tests - u cannot prepare b4hand!
  5. sp0radic

    Blabber on about your first hsc assessment block!

    hmm I didn't do that bad in my exams, although I could have done a lot better in ext 1 maths!
  6. sp0radic

    Who here does economics ?

    excel ecos is a crap book lol.. no offence or anything/
  7. sp0radic

    relationship between IR and CAD?

    Increase in IR = Increase in ER = increase demand for Imports = worsening on BOGS = deterioration of CAD.
  8. sp0radic

    economics vs sciences

    ecos is the hardest subject i swear. It has 50x more content than Physics and the concepts are so illogical and impractical.
  9. sp0radic

    australias best schools

    lol yeah. I hope James Ruse doesn't appear on the publication lol :)
  10. sp0radic

    economics vs sciences

    which is harder? economics or physics/chem?
  11. sp0radic

    australias best schools

    k cool.. I hope it isn't James Ruse.
  12. sp0radic

    australias best schools

    in The Australian there is a liftout or something on the best schools in Australia. Anyone have this?? scan it for me plz?? tell me the best schools?? thanks..
  13. sp0radic

    Sample Economics Essays

    can u use like G and increase in D, then talk about X and M and stuff?? CAD?
  14. sp0radic

    re: answers for cssa 2003

    The answers of 2003 csa ECONOMICS test is wrong as they are actually the answers for the INDEPENDENT PAPER! SOMEONE PLZ SEND ME THE REAL CSSA 2003 ANSWERS. ta..
  15. sp0radic


    cambridge is way too hard for the 2unit course lol