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  1. Rage01

    MATH1131/1141 Limits question - pinching theorem

    yes I'd like to know this as well. I can only use Maple for the limit questions
  2. Rage01

    MATH1131/1141 Limits question - pinching theorem

    Is there anywhere we can find Calculus past papers / practice questions? The ones that came with the course pack are for the semester 1 final exams i think, but are there any smaller ones to practice on for our first ever calculus test (week5)?
  3. Rage01

    What you would LOVE UNSW to have

    Its own train station
  4. Rage01

    Guide to first few weeks of University for Engineering Kids

    can someone tell me where to find lecture notes for COMP1911? it's not on blackboard but i also can't find it through UNSW Computing btw great thread
  5. Rage01

    UNSW 2010 Rollcall

    Comm / Eng :party:
  6. Rage01

    How necessary is physics?

    Hey everyone I just had a few questions regarding Engineering. For my HSC I did 4U Maths but didn't do Physics so I was wondering if it would be beneficial to do a bridging course for Physics before uni starts? Reading through the forums there seems to be mixed reviews about whether or not you...
  7. Rage01

    when does uni start?

    I think 1st of March and obviously earlier if you're doing a bridging course
  8. Rage01

    So those of you who got tutored, do you think it really made a difference?

    I think it's a universal thing to feel like you don't learn much at school for 4u so tutor helped alot for that, although it wasted so much time just travelling to and from it.
  9. Rage01

    is business studies worthwhile?

    in terms of workload, I've heard business studies is way easier than economics. I only did economics so I can only tell you its basically about how the domestic economy interacts with the global economy. It's not a very hard subject in comparison to something like maths but scales well too.
  10. Rage01

    Life after hsc

    Do it straight away lol
  11. Rage01

    General Maths and Standard English

    A very small proportion of the state get band 6 in standard english. I dunno why someone would do standard anyway, it looks to be about the same amount of work as advanced.
  12. Rage01

    why english is compulsary

    they try to do that by having two teachers mark something and taking the average
  13. Rage01

    Life after hsc

    Going out Reading Net Modern Warfare 2!
  14. Rage01

    textbook and/or study guide?

    What texts are you doing for english? I saw quite a few of the study guides I needed, like 'The 50th Gate', on google books so I'm sure you could easily find the english ones on net. Chem has pdf ones on the net, should be the same for physics. Maths you just need past paper books.
  15. Rage01

    A christian perspective on belonging?

    You have to do readings for critical study of a text, like Hamlet
  16. Rage01

    How to study for Listening/Viewing Tasks?

    Yeah going through the section 1 of AOS past papers is a good idea. There's not much else you can do but write a list of all the language techniques you know. Use your reading time effectively so you know what to look out for during the video clip.
  17. Rage01

    How stuffed up would my Eco ranks be?

    When you say second one, I assume you mean the macro policies one? Compared to monetary policy, fiscal's got a lot more stuff to talk about anyway. Obviously it'd be better if you'd fit both in, but out of the two, fiscal policy was probably better to have been covered than left out.
  18. Rage01

    How stuffed up would my Eco ranks be?

    Maybe its not that bad, what did you write about for the extended responses? They were pretty broad so you could have written on any number of things and you'd still be correct.
  19. Rage01

    Is tutoring the secret to success HSC?

    The time it takes to go to and from tutoring could be better spent studying