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  1. Jennibeans

    Briar Rose audio

    Does anyone have, or know where I can get, an audio version of Jane Yolen's Briar Rose?
  2. Jennibeans


    Why isn't there a Faculty of Education and Social Work sub forum I can't be the only person in the faculty
  3. Jennibeans

    Student Notes Online

    Can anyone explain the "Student Notes Online" thing to me. Do we need to buy these?
  4. Jennibeans

    Study Game: Cold War

    Since the study games have worked so well for other topics I thought one for the cold war might help people out too So first question What role did military/industrial manufacturers play in the Cold War?
  5. Jennibeans

    Crime Fiction - The Bone Collector

    i'm using the film the bone collector as related material and i wondered if anyone had used it aswell and would be willing to share ideas
  6. Jennibeans

    Extra Reading

    If your teacher is anything like mine they're always on about making sure we do our own reading to supplement readings given in class. I've spent time looking around on the net and theres tons of articles and stuff out there. But it takes ages to find. So to help each other out I thought bout...
  7. Jennibeans

    help refining question for project

    I'm having some trouble with the wording of my question. the question i had was how has the media portrayal of saddam hussein shaped the world's understanding of this controversial figure and what can be learnt from this about the role and reliability of the media in the investigation of...
  8. Jennibeans

    Holocaust Denial

    for anyone who's doing anything to do with the holocaust denial for their history project theres an excellent text that my teacher mentioned. Its called History: What and Why? and its by Beverly Southgate
  9. Jennibeans

    Film (CF)

    Film I'm using Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid as additional material for the crime fiction elective. I wondered if anyone had done anything with that film before?