So, how was the Ancient trial? (1 Viewer)


Nov 17, 2002
South-East Sydney
I do the Minoans, Sparta, Akhenaten and New Kingdom Egypt from Amenhotep III to Ramesses II.
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Sep 22, 2003
Hey... does anyone know how to find those Sparta Charles Sturt University notes? They sound pretty good but i'm having trouble locating them.


Sep 20, 2003

Name Two groups in Sparta that were considered inferiors? Helots and perioecoi

Name two religious festivals? Hyakinthia and the Karneia festival

Describe one Spartan Legend? One Spartan legend was the Legend of king Leoinidas and the 300 spartans whose bravery will go unforgotten at the battle of Thermopylae, as described by Herodotus.

Who was Lycurgus? Lyrcurgus was the supposed law giver. Conflicting accounts have been given fo most aspects in lycouguss life. Such authors as Aristotle and Herodotus write of lycourgous as a historical figure who handed down the law of Sparta after consulting the will of the gods lykourguos changed all the laws and made sure that these shoud not be transgressed. Herodotus. According to Plutarch lycourgus redistributed land and got rid of useless crafts. His actions marked the ultimate revolutionary change however the archeological source of the Temple of Artimis Orthia suggests a slow and gradual change rather than an instantaneous one. Eunomia state of law and order

Define Kleroi? An allotment of land owned by the privileged Spartan groups

Name two geographical features of Sparta? Sparta was fairly isolated in its nature. There are two possible meanings for Sparta, Sown land and Broom Shurb. It was situated 200 metres above sea level at the northern end of alluvial plain of Lakonia. The Eurotas river provided much needed water.

What is meant by the agoge? The agoge was the vigorous education system and discipline code of the Spartans.

Describe the institution of the sysstia? An important part of being an equal was that each spartiate had to make a monthly contribution, from the produce of his kleros to the military mess; failure to do this would mean loss of citizenship. Men shared there communal meals in military barracks. Plutarch relates that they would gather in groups of 15 each contributing a meal sharing stories and political discussions. It became an important aspect of training for the young men.

Name two contributions made to the Spartan society by the perioeci? Perioeci means dwellers around and referes to the many free inhabitants of the many communities scattered throughout Lakonia and Messenia. They were engaged in minining, manufacture and commerce more over all mineral and marine resources were in the hands of the perioeci.

Describe the role of the krypteia in Spartan society? The krypteia were the secret police a band of young males who as part of their training assaulted helots. Some writers view the krypteia as a nasty innovation designed to control Spartas helot problem, Plato viewed it as Spartan training.

Outline the main features of Spartan government? Polybius praised the Spartans for having a mixed constitution composed of the best elements Kingship, oligarchy and democracy. The Spartans had two kings drawn from the two royal families the Agiads and the Euryontids. Ephors were the overseers consisting of 5 males aged 30 and over. The gerousia was the council of elders which consisted of about 28 members plus the two kings.Finally the Apella was the assembly attended by all those males over 30 who held full citizenship.

With reference to sources assess they way in which Sparta was viewed by other greek polis. People since ancient times have idealized the Spartans. Accordingly, it is often difficult to sepereate the truth from mythology. Some myths surrounding Sparta were that their society was based on equals, all thing s were owned and shared in common, they were uncultured and illiterate they were an unbeatable fighting force, they had a perfect well ordered society free from civil strife The bulk of evidence for Sparta comes from historians such as Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenephon as wel as Plato and Aristotle none whom were Spartan.

Discuss the importance of the ephorate in Spartan society. There were 5 ephors, overseers. They were chief administrators and executives of the state, they advised the kings and kept a check on royal powers, were responsible for deiding which units would be mobolised during war, called meetings of the gerousia and assembly, in charge of the training at the agoge, controlled other Spartan magistrates, met daily and ate, could arrest and imprison a king could banish foreigners from the state. Xenephon describes the ephors actions as tyrants. They could only hold office for 1 year and were held accountable for their actions after that.

Discuss the importance of the kingship in Sparta. The Spartans had two kings from two tribes the Agiads and the Eurypontids. The Spartan militarism required that the kings assert strong generalship Aristotle refers to the kings as hereditary generals that there was no retiring age. In early times both kings led the armies but as a result of a change of policies one king would remain in Sparta. Spartan king was suppose to fulfill the role as chief priests, commander in chief of the army, judge and law giver Herodotus outlines some of the rights and obligations of the kings in the Histories. They were first to be seated at public religious gatherings, they are served meals first and get twice as much as others, they have the right to make first toast and receive all animal sacrifices. Seats at festivals are reserved for them. They have the duty to look after all sacred oracles, public roads, marriage and adoption of children. However over time their powers decreased.

Discuss the importance of the gerousia in Spartan society. The council of elders consisted of 28 member plus 2 kings. It consisted of aristocratic elite few based on age. They were seen as highly honoured but only able to join if over the age of 60 those chosen came from wealthy aristocratic families. He would then hold his position for life. They did not have to agree with votes made by the assembly. They prepared bills tried cases on kings and imposed penalties they also prepare the agenda for the assembly.

Discuss the importance of the assembly in Spartan society. The assembly was attended by all those aged 30 and over who held full citizenship. They met monthly at the time of the full moon. Their role was to elect ephors, elders and other magistrates. They were to vote by acclamation and only vote yes or no and even if they did their votes did not make up the ultimate decision.

Describe the role of the paidonomous in Spartan society. The paidonomous was responiblie for the education of the boys in the agoge. They would whipp the boys regularly and encouraged them to be self sufficient.

Name two gods worshipped by Spartans. Apollo and Hyakinthos

List two duties of the helots? Working on farms freeing women of their chores and getting beat up as part of training for young

Outline main features of Spartan religion? Spartans found particularly the most important the mythical twin Spartan Hereos Castor and Polydeuces. We are all Greeks sharing both the the same blood and same language and we have temples of our gods in common and our sacrifices-Herodotus. Sparta was a polytheistic society worshipping more than one god. Special religious festivals were held and were taking seriously as evident in the battle of Marathon when the Spartans showed up late to the battle because of the Carneia festival. The Spartans also had a strong belief in the Delphic oracle and had many shrines around their state.

Explain the main features of the agoge and its importance in shaping Spartan society. The agog was a strict military training scheme which all boys were to take part in. The agoge was designed to make fierce warriors and instill in them patriotism, loyalty, obedience and comradeship. At birth Spartan boys were inspected by government officials and the weak and deformed were thrown off the cliffs at Mt Taygetus. Until the age of 7 the child was raised by mothers at home then left home to live in herds of boys at barracks. Education was a state responsibility and a paidonomos was in charge of the agoge. According to Xenephon the paidonomous had to sever whippings to the disobedient. At 18-23 they were enrolled as an eiren, or perfect/overseer they served in the military but not in the front line. They were hardened by being taught to run barefoot and exercise naked. By 23 to 30 they were full time soldiers. By 30 they were able to live at home and grow there hair.

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