never seen a westfield gift card give an error (yes, we accept them including XS cards), im thinking it might have expired?
as for our loose stock, a good 2 or 3 trolleys a day. we separate produce and bakery/bread items as we collect so we dont have as much and they get picked up by their own departments to take care of them, and the rest gets sorted by nightfill, but if they cant it just sits in the dock (theres 8 trolleys on my last count) until the manager notices and goes berzerk, and this happens on a monthly cycle.
Priority 1s in my store everybody ignores, until the SM calls it then everybody comes fucking running, and even jump on full registers, my stores full of suck ups, seriously, 10 mins after managers (who always leaves early) leave, 2ICs leave, another 10 mins, 3ICs. and then we get absolutely smashed, and theres no one to help. ugh. you can literally work out who is whos boss by the order they leave.
@sb26: Woolworths doesnt have any banking/processing fees, it up to each bank, and they all do their own thing, she needs to check with them.
Slightly Relevant Fun Fact: Woolworths along with Coles, CBA, NAB, ANZ and others owns eftpos. Its the only reason we have to ask if people want cash out everytime. The more that people use CHQ or SAV, the more eftpos is worth. Us asking about cash out is essentially free advertising/sales for a company that most people doesnt realise exists, its like saying to each customer "hey did you know about Masters? ... its a new hardware store ... yeah its awesome, go buy some shit" *insert smiley of us dancing like retail puppets*
btw, has anyone elses store actually started selling Masters stuff? mine has...