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Biology 2013ers MARATHONN (2 Viewers)


Jul 21, 2012
The answers in Success One are too simple haha, your answer was entirely correct

Ok lets see...

The development of the theories of evolution have been influenced by social and political influences throughout history. Firstly, Lamark proposed that organisms passed characteristics from organisms could be passed onto offspring and one example of this were giraffe with long necks, that it's long neck was passed on to offspring Lamark was heavily criticised with caricature drawings of him in the newspapers and later on his theory was embarrassingly neglected. Then Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection followed and proposed that populations survived and reproduced based on species with the most favourable traits to their environment. An example of this involved his geographical evidence of finches that were distributed on Galapogas island and that many of this finches were found on the island that most suited their food. . He waited 25 years due to fear of social and political critism until Wallace came up with a similar theory. This has hindered the development of the theories of evolution and when he proposed the theory and was heavily criticised by creationist and society back then, being heavily dominant in christianity. Therefore social and political influences have been detrimental to the historical development of evolution.

Describe how genes assist in the maintenance of health (3 marks)
WOW what a pretty answer

OKay not great at this but
All genes have specific functions which assist in the maintainence of health
proto oncogenes - are genes which stimulate the growth and production of cells, this is essential when certain areas of the body such as skin are damaged or destroyed, this means that new skin cells would need to be produced to replace these damaged cells. If the proto oncogene is not functioning, then it will turn into a oncogene, and hence the production of required cells to heal and replace damaged body cells would not occur and health would not be maintained.
tumour supressor genes- are genes which stop the production of cells when damaged body cells are repaired, if these cells are not functioning then there would be an excess production of cells, which would lead to tumours and cancers, having detrimental effects on health
Many other genes such as repair genes, also have specific functions in the body to ensure the body remains healthy, these genes all work together to assist in the maintainence of health

describe one method used to detect carbon dioxide in the blood, and assess the need for such techology (also give a condition which this technology may be used)


Apr 18, 2012
describe one method used to detect carbon dioxide in the blood, and assess the need for such techology (also give a condition which this technology may be used)
An arterial blood gas analyser is an invasive medical procedure in which a probe collects a blood sample from which gaseous and electrolytic composition can be determined. Carbon dioxide saturation of blood can be determined using electrodes in the analyser which convert the chemical signal into electrical. This technology is very useful in the operating and recovery ward to monitor respiratory function and blood flow of patients after/during surgery. ABG analysis allows evaluation of the patients homeostatic mechanisms and aids doctors in the diagnosis of respiratory and cardiac problems, since it provides accurate quantitative data on blood composition.

Explain why immune suppressive drugs are administered to patients during organ transplants. 3M
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Jul 21, 2012
An arterial blood gas analyser is an invasive medical procedure in which a probe collects a blood sample from which gaseous and electrolytic composition can be determined. Carbon dioxide saturation of blood can be determined using electrodes in the analyser which convert the chemical signal into electrical. This technology is very useful in the operating and recovery ward to monitor respiratory function and blood flow of patients after/during surgery. ABG analysis allows evaluation of the patients homeostatic mechanisms and aids doctors in the diagnosis of respiratory and cardiac problems, since it provides accurate quantitative data on blood composition.

Explain why immune suppressive drugs are administered to patients during organ transplants. 3M
Individuals have personal surface marker molecules which allows the body and immune system to recognise as 'self.' transplanted organs, since they are from another body, would have different marker molecules and hence the patient's immune system would recognise this organ as foreign. In response it would produce antibodies to attack and destroy the organ, this is why immune suppression drugs are given to patients to prevent the immune system from rejecting the transplanted organ.

compare the process of renal diaylsis with the kidney 4m


Jul 21, 2012
Explain how hormone activity maintains water and salt levels in the blood (5 marks from 2008)
Aldosterone - is released by the adrenal gland when there is a detected drop in blood pressure. Aldosterone acts on the tubule walls of the nephron to increase its permeability to sodium. This results in more sodium actively reaborbed into the bloodstream and hence water would also move into the blood via osmosis. depending on the amount of aldosterone released, the water and salt levels of the blood can be managed
ADH- is released whe the body detects a rise in solute concentration, it acts on the collecting ducts and tubules of nephron to increase its permeability to water, so more water is reabsorbed into the blood
hence depending on how much of these hormones are released, they are able to maintain water and salt levels in the blood by controlling the amount of reabsorption of these substances

In your Biology course, you analysed information from secondary sources to prepare a case
study to show how an environmental change can lead to changes in a species. 3m
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Nov 7, 2011
I'll ask this here too.

Name a method that can be used to determine how widespread a locust infestation is?
(HSC bio 2005)


Apr 18, 2012
The formation of gametes occurs by meiosis. In diploid cells, single stranded homologous chromosomes duplicate to form double stranded homologous chromosomes which pair up. Crossing over occurs along random segments, forming recombinant chromosomes. The double stranded homologous chromosomes are randomly segragated into a daughter cell, this process occurs independently. A single strand chromosome from each homologous pair is randomly segragated into a gamete cell. This produces a gamete with a haploid condition.

Describe how enantiostasis and homeostasis are sed to maintain metabolic functions by plants living in estuarine environments 3M


(╯°□°)╯━︵ ┻━┻ - - - -
Apr 7, 2012
Sydney Girls
Uni Grad
The answers in Success One are too simple haha, your answer was entirely correct

Ok lets see...

The development of the theories of evolution have been influenced by social and political influences throughout history. Firstly, Lamark proposed that organisms passed characteristics from organisms could be passed onto offspring and one example of this were giraffe with long necks, that it's long neck was passed on to offspring Lamark was heavily criticised with caricature drawings of him in the newspapers and later on his theory was embarrassingly neglected. Then Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection followed and proposed that populations survived and reproduced based on species with the most favourable traits to their environment. An example of this involved his geographical evidence of finches that were distributed on Galapogas island and that many of this finches were found on the island that most suited their food. . He waited 25 years due to fear of social and political critism until Wallace came up with a similar theory. This has hindered the development of the theories of evolution and when he proposed the theory and was heavily criticised by creationist and society back then, being heavily dominant in christianity. Therefore social and political influences have been detrimental to the historical development of evolution.
Solid bro.


(╯°□°)╯━︵ ┻━┻ - - - -
Apr 7, 2012
Sydney Girls
Uni Grad
Aldosterone - is released by the adrenal gland when there is a detected drop in blood pressure. Aldosterone acts on the tubule walls of the nephron to increase its permeability to sodium. This results in more sodium actively reaborbed into the bloodstream and hence water would also move into the blood via osmosis. depending on the amount of aldosterone released, the water and salt levels of the blood can be managed
ADH- is released whe the body detects a rise in solute concentration, it acts on the collecting ducts and tubules of nephron to increase its permeability to water, so more water is reabsorbed into the blood
hence depending on how much of these hormones are released, they are able to maintain water and salt levels in the blood by controlling the amount of reabsorption of these substances

In your Biology course, you analysed information from secondary sources to prepare a case
study to show how an environmental change can lead to changes in a species. 3m
Peppered Moths:
There are two types of peppered moths, light/dark. Prior industrial revolution, the white ones had selective advantage as they were able to blend into white lichen on tree trunks. Therefore the darker variety were eaten by prey in greater numbers.
Pollution from industrial rev. (environmental change), lead to trees becoming darkened by soot, now providing the darker variety with the variable trait. Over time the proportion of black to white increased.


Jul 21, 2012
I'll ask this here too.

Name a method that can be used to determine how widespread a locust infestation is?
(HSC bio 2005)
oh what the hell is this LMFAO

Malaria is a disease that has affected many throughout history. Outline the historical
development in understanding the cause and prevention of malaria.


Jul 10, 2013
oh what the hell is this LMFAO

Malaria is a disease that has affected many throughout history. Outline the historical
development in understanding the cause and prevention of malaria.
The malarial parasite was first named Plasmodium vivax in 1890 by Giovanni Grassi. After Ronald Ross discovered in 1897 that the Plasmodium parasite was transmitted from patients to mosquitos, and Grassi observed the Plasmodium's lifecycle by inoculating two volunteers in 1899, the cause of malaria was discovered. Using American Indian knowledge of an antimalaria bark quinine, Chloroquinine was developed in 1934 until the Plasmodium became resistant in in 1946. The WHO in 1955, proposed the complete eradication of malaria , howevere when this failed in 1969, prevention became the focus. Today, potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes, the host and vector of Plasmodium, are removed or treated, and mosquito repellant, antimalaria tablets and nettings are used to prevent infection.

Probs a bit too much irrelevant info. That dotpoint is so broad though, I always write too much.

The Murray-Darling Basin is the natural habitat of the Murray Cod, a native
Australian freshwater fish.
Explain the implications of increased water salinity for the survival of the Murray
Cod. 2 marks


Jul 21, 2012
The malarial parasite was first named Plasmodium vivax in 1890 by Giovanni Grassi. After Ronald Ross discovered in 1897 that the Plasmodium parasite was transmitted from patients to mosquitos, and Grassi observed the Plasmodium's lifecycle by inoculating two volunteers in 1899, the cause of malaria was discovered. Using American Indian knowledge of an antimalaria bark quinine, Chloroquinine was developed in 1934 until the Plasmodium became resistant in in 1946. The WHO in 1955, proposed the complete eradication of malaria , howevere when this failed in 1969, prevention became the focus. Today, potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes, the host and vector of Plasmodium, are removed or treated, and mosquito repellant, antimalaria tablets and nettings are used to prevent infection.

Probs a bit too much irrelevant info. That dotpoint is so broad though, I always write too much.

The Murray-Darling Basin is the natural habitat of the Murray Cod, a native
Australian freshwater fish.
Explain the implications of increased water salinity for the survival of the Murray
Cod. 2 marks
Wow do you remember all that info?
how do u remember dates omg

Ahh this Q seems so simple but idk how to answer it..
Organisms have specific internal environments in which enzymes work at optimal efficiency. As the salinity of the water increases, this acts as selective pressure from the environment. Those fish who could tolerate higher levels of salinity would have a stronger chance of suriviving and hence passing on the characteristics to their offsprings. If the water salinity continues to increase, over time this may cause the darling basin to evolve into a species which can handle a higher level of salinity.

please someone check if thats even right LOL

Explain how B cells and T cells contribute to the human body’s immune response. 4mk

For communication students
The light signal reaching the retina is transformed into electrochemical signals. 7

Describe the different structures and processes in the retina that can achieve the
energy transformation described above.

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Apr 18, 2012
Lungs: oxygen concentration increases and diffuses into bloodstream during inhalation, carbon dioxide concentration decreases as it CO2 diffuses from blood into lung alveoli for exhalation
Small intestine: carbon dioxide increases as it is a waste product of cell metabolism, concentration of glucose and amino acids increase (end products of digestion), oxygen decreases as it is used by the organ for metabolism
Brain: Carbon dioxide increases, oxygen decreases and glucose decreases as it is used by brain (not too sure if this part is right)

Discuss the social issues arising over the development of transgenic species, making reference to a named transgenic organism.4M


Jul 21, 2012
Lungs: oxygen concentration increases and diffuses into bloodstream during inhalation, carbon dioxide concentration decreases as it CO2 diffuses from blood into lung alveoli for exhalation
Small intestine: carbon dioxide increases as it is a waste product of cell metabolism, concentration of glucose and amino acids increase (end products of digestion), oxygen decreases as it is used by the organ for metabolism
Brain: Carbon dioxide increases, oxygen decreases and glucose decreases as it is used by brain (not too sure if this part is right)

Discuss the social issues arising over the development of transgenic species, making reference to a named transgenic organism.4M
Transgenic species such as BT crops and Bt cotton have significant impacts on society
-it has lead to a much more effective prodctuion of crops and cotton, saving millions of dollars of worth of crops a year, as they kill the insect pests which eat them. This also saves costs for pesticides (and pesticides are harmful to the environment aswell)
-this has lead to mass production of crops, and hence allowing them to be economical and reduce prices for soceity
however they also have many ethical issues
-The long term effects of these crops are unknown, it is unknown if there may be any furture harm to the humans who eat it, or any issues to the future species of these transgenics
-It alters and varies the genetic variability and gene pool, also many individuals do not agree with tampering with natures natural processes
-These technologies may only be accessible to large scale companies, and hence causing problems for small scale farmers, may cause the economical gap between society to grow larger

okay im running out of questions


Jul 10, 2013
Wow do you remember all that info?
how do u remember dates omg

Ahh this Q seems so simple but idk how to answer it..
Organisms have specific internal environments in which enzymes work at optimal efficiency. As the salinity of the water increases, this acts as selective pressure from the environment. Those fish who could tolerate higher levels of salinity would have a stronger chance of suriviving and hence passing on the characteristics to their offsprings. If the water salinity continues to increase, over time this may cause the darling basin to evolve into a species which can handle a higher level of salinity.

please someone check if thats even right LOL

Explain how B cells and T cells contribute to the human body’s immune response. 4mk

For communication students
The light signal reaching the retina is transformed into electrochemical signals. 7

Describe the different structures and processes in the retina that can achieve the
energy transformation described above.

Open book ahahahahah. That q comes up im stuffed lol


Apr 18, 2012
Lol, im not sure if my first two answers are correct (kinda guessing them)
a) for both animals the enzymatic activity increases from 0degrees to a certain point (when the enzyme is most efficient) then decreases with further increases in temperature. The enzyme activity is generally greater for animal B
b) B is the endotherm as it is able to regulate its core body temperature at an optimal level, despite changes in the ambient temperature, which allows for greater enzyme activity. A is the ectotherm as it's body temperature fluctuates with ambient temperature and hence efficient enzyme activity will be restricted to a much narrower optimal range.
c) Bilby; large ears with extensive blood capillaries facilitate an increased surface area over which the organism can lose heat to the environment. This allows it to cope with hot desert climates.
d) The red bellied black snake burrows under the ground and in vegetation to minimise exposure to sunlight, allowing it to keep cool.

Explain how both genetics and the environment can affect the phenotype of an organism.4M

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