@MoeyNeeds90+ @jane1820
unfortunately ive met a lot of these sorts of people (via tutoring mainly) and i have a fam friend who is smart that has admitted they want to go into med just for the money. i agree that these ppl are obnoxious as hell and they also come from a lot more privilege and usually a lot of wealth. and i mean A LOT (im painting this picture bc most ppl that make it into fields like med are from high ranking schools and/or affluent backgrounds). also my observation is that a lot of these people are also asian as hell and that specific section of ppl are something i can comment on as i am also asian as hell.
you have to admit that there is also that factor of cultural pressure. when you make it into a high ranking school as an asian kid your ego has prob been getting stroked like extremely hard esp in like family friend circles or whatever. like if youre asian you would have that one fam friend that youre always compared to right, but imagine you ARE that family friend. i can understand why they get their sense of self and air of superiority from their academic achievements. its no excuse to look down on people but its prob bound to give you an identity crisis at some point when everyone around you becomes smarter than you esp if you get into med or smth like that.
and the environmental pressure and expectation that youre going into the "only acceptable asian careers" esp things like med, dental are pretty extreme. esp when raised in privilege and your parents are first gen immigrants its very easy for them to say "oh we came from nothing and you have everything, how come you can't achieve xyz". also you might have a school environments in highly competitive schools that talk abt their atar expectations that start from 99 onwards so again they are just being conditioned to think that way. its disgusting but it happens in a lot of selective schools and privates. the other day someone in my class was joking abt getting a 90 atar bc they did bad in an exam as if it was an insult and we are not even that toxic lol its just how some mindsets look like in schools with high average atars.
so a lot of ppl like this are so brainwashed from childhood that they dont think abt what they would enjoy or whatever bc they just like the idea of having a lot of money and getting into smth prestigious bc thats where their sense of self comes from. its a sign that they are really broken and have no clue who they are as a person or whatever and prob are so out of touch as well.
also just an unfortunate fact but anytime there is anything difficult ambition to work towards in life there will always be a privileged obnoxious person that has a shortcut to getting there so take it as motivation and move on. i can understand how frustrating it is bc i went through it too but over the past year it just clicked for me that these kinds of ppl in my life have no life outside of thir studies. its almost dystopian how npc they are