2026 HSC CHAT (3 Viewers)

Tony Stark

Jan 22, 2025
Does anyone else feel... Horrible? Constantly?
I swore I was an "english person", but recently classes have felt awfully dull. Same for maths, same for engineering studies, same for extension english, same for... You get the point. If I don't enjoy english,then I'm... apathetic about it and all my other subjects.

It's not that I dislike my subjects or that I regret choosing them - in fact I'm quite happy with my layout. I just feel very much like I'm not all "there" in class, and I can't pay attention as much. They're boring, unmotivating, and with exams coming up I fear I'm going to fail them all - I simply don't have it in me to do creative writing for english.

I'm sure I'll be fine for my math related subjects -- as long as I study, which I'm...fairly certain I can pull myself to do. But it doesn't rid from the absolute dread of everything else.

I can't put my finger on it, but too, there's a sort of underlying feeling of... lack of control? I'm not sure - no control over my routine, my classes, what I do, procrastination, I feel like I'm constantly being pulled which way by one external force or another and I hardly have time to make a schedule for myself. I wont say more, I wouldn't like to repeat myself, but that's my current predicament.
Honestly, I think this is a phase when you lose track of your goals. Without direction, it is much harder to do work when you don't know what you're aiming for. Everyone finds year 12 challenging. I went through a similar phase when I just slacked off and now I'm behind on notes for basically all my subjects. What I'm trying to say is, just keep aiming for something specific. A degree? An ATAR? anything, just stay on track.


All is lost if one abandons hope.
Sep 11, 2023
Here n There
Honestly, I think this is a phase when you lose track of your goals. Without direction, it is much harder to do work when you don't know what you're aiming for. Everyone finds year 12 challenging. I went through a similar phase when I just slacked off and now I'm behind on notes for basically all my subjects. What I'm trying to say is, just keep aiming for something specific. A degree? An ATAR? anything, just stay on track.
I do know what I want to study in uni, and the ATAR I want... Hm...

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