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  1. 4

    Share your 2011 HSC results here

    Not as pro as everyone but anyways Advanced English: 75 Chemistry : 82 Physics: 83 MX1: 77 MX2 : 71 E3 for 4 unit ahahahhah aligning
  2. 4

    Engineers in Demand in OZ

    and MECHANICAL!!!!
  3. 4

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    Chemcial Monitoring and Managemnet topic test IMO...
  4. 4

    Mechnacial Engineering

    I had my eyes set on Mechanical Engineering, however job security is my main concern. I was just wondering what the job security would be like if i was to undertake a degree in Mechanical Engineering and whether it would be beneficial/smarter to choose another engineering stream. Thanks in advance
  5. 4

    Atar Estimate PLZ!!!!!!!!

    School rank ~150 Chemistry 2/25 Physics 5/22 3 Unit 12/25 4 Unit 9/9 English 100/115 (o.O ahahahah so shit)