Recent content by 4u

  1. 4

    Atar estimate top 5-10 school

    Trials are coming up next week, thanks for the estimate. I wasn't expecting that low though D:
  2. 4

    Atar estimate top 5-10 school

    i've updated op with report marks. Thanks!!
  3. 4

    Atar estimate top 5-10 school

    What do you mean by percentages? Raw exam percentages or report marks?
  4. 4

    Atar estimate top 5-10 school

    school rank: ~5th english 2u: 150/200 (72%) english 3u: 37/65 (80%) math 2u: 60/80 (75%) math 3u: 170/180 (68%) economics: 50/70 (72%) pdhpe: 9/15 (74%) disappointing i must say.