full body training
power cleans
pullups supersetted with pylo pushups
kettlebelll swing (this movement feels hella unnatural, gotta work on it)
BB press superset with BB squat (light weights, pressing strength is really low)
Azure u legend
and yeah i might cycle off when im close to running out, should take me a couple of weeks to get some more and then ill come back on it
should i cycle my creatine as well??
holy balls did legs today with NO PREWORKOUT
omg huge difference noticed, can generally squat 90kg no sweat, was struggling to put up 80
everything felt heavy, no motivation, no drive
terrible workout
brb 3 scoops
getting a certificate/diploma is all well and good
but what else would set you apart?
some of the trainers at my gym have like lifesaving/CPR skills as well as sports coaching?
do em occasionally if i have a spare day/during cardio work
i do them from a hanging start though, considering adding the squat to press movement along with it, or even just the press
how much weight do you generally do with that? i cant do much :( only about 40
mmyeah i i do eat before a workout, so i give the jack3d a little more time to fully set in (45-60min) cos it takes a bit longer to set in
its not a matter of falling asleep lol, but its more like, with it, i find that i have more intensity in my sets, have a bit more work ethic and dont get...