Recent content by ailingtastic

  1. ailingtastic

    Diahorrea during exams

    I pretty much died from reading that. That was way too funny! HAHAHAHAHA
  2. ailingtastic

    How Bad is the HSC stress for you?

    0 15 day break until fART. Fan-fucking-tastic :)
  3. ailingtastic

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    I thought the exam wasn't as difficult compared to other years but then again, what am I talking about? Pretty sure I skipped Q7 onwards HAHA. Everyone's like "Oh no, band 4 here I come :0 Oh the pain of it all"... Not even kidding when I say that I'm expecting a band 2 so yerrrr... cool beans...
  4. ailingtastic

    how much did you spend on your majors?

    Wtf? :| That's intense! I spent $135 on getting my Art major printed + mounted, and I thought that was expensive! :|
  5. ailingtastic

    just not caring.

    Wow 'hermand', I feel exactly the same way! Maybe we should be best of friends or some'm, HAHA! ">.> But ehhh, HSC is only 6-7 weeks away. Study hard and then maybe in the end, it won't be as bad as you thought and you'll end up becoming a psychologist or whatevz. Don't give up! Harden the fuck...
  6. ailingtastic

    Trial HSC results?

    HAHA nahhh, no thanks. Uni plez (A)! I performed alright'ish in my other exams though. 2U Eng: around 65%? - Low? Art: 64% - 4th Business: 85% - 1st Ancient: Haven't received those marks back yet It's actually quite nice reading how crap others did in this thread. It makes me feel better...
  7. ailingtastic

    Have you started studying for trials?

    My trials finished almost 3 weeks ago. Pretty sure I studied for my exams the night before each exam and they spanned over only a week. Not even joking! HAHA, I wish I took my HSC more seriously :( Ahh well, whatevz!
  8. ailingtastic

    Trial HSC results?

    Maximum fail! LOOOOOL. MY ATAR's fucked, aye? (y) Pretty sure I got 10% in my 2U Maths trial. I'm not even joking. Don't judge me! COOOOOOOL (y).
  9. ailingtastic

    Subjective frame? Oh what?

    I'm pretty confident about discussing each frame i.e. post-modern, cultural and structural but the subjective frame... hmmm, that's a bit of a worry :S Like, how can you go into an exam and talk about the subjective frame without doing prior research on the artist and how their personal thoughts...
  10. ailingtastic

    Failed HSC = Instant Death??

    MAD LOL! HAHAHAHA, this made my morning/afternoon! I should actually be studying right now but ehh... it's 'only' the HSC 8-) Oh god, my Asian parent's are gonna kill me in my sleep, aren't they =="
  11. ailingtastic

    What do you do in your free periods?

    Pretty sure I've never studied in any of my free periods and spend the majority of the time making up stories about how my librarian is a witch and how her office is a secret dungeon... Studying? What's that? ^o) HAHAHA, mad failz in the HSC I shall be expecting (y).