Recent content by Alaranth

  1. Alaranth

    Survey in my ext 1 stuff

    Can people please fill out my survey and give me your thoughts on fantasy and crime fiction? I really need it for an assignment! The link is I'd really appreciate it if you could sped 10 minutes filling it in. It would help me so much!!!
  2. Alaranth

    Survey! Need thoughts pretty please!!!

    Hi hi! The survey is for extension english, crime fiction. Don't worry if some of the Q's seem a bit wordy, I appreciate anything you can say. Please fill it out, it'll just take ten minutes!
  3. Alaranth

    Totally Over It!

    Yeah, title sums it up. Basicly, I got to a book, and can't think of anything but how much I suck at that subject. Even biology, which I've been top of since the start of yr11, makes me think "whoa, you stink. how much more could you possibly suck?" It makes doing anything really hard. Can...
  4. Alaranth

    help - for GP one member wont even turn up

    CORPSE HER!!! That's what we've been told to do in that case, though only as a last resort. Corpsing a person is what has already been sugested, making a person into something inanimate, a corpse or a tree or a log, something that doesn't matter in the slightest, so even if they don't turn up...
  5. Alaranth

    Any help?

    If you're any good at maths, make yourself her tutor. Force her to sit down with you and go over the last exam. Each question, get her to do it infront of you, if she can't, help her, and find similar Q's in the textbook. That's what I'm doing for my friend, and it's going ok.
  6. Alaranth

    band 6 in maths sc

    All those saying SC doesn't matter, ok, it doesn't matter now, BUT IT MATTERS TO YR10'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just remember that guys, it's easy to say don't care, but it's harder to do. Also (eg in english) your SC results decide whether ur put in Standard or Advanced in yr11. At my school, the first...
  7. Alaranth

    I Hate It!

    I was just wondering how many people have hit that stage? If I could make a poll, it would be: a) Hate it? How could I possibly hate my major work? b) YES! I LOATHE it right now! I wish it would die! c) That was ages ago, I love it again now! My answer is I hate it, and I thought I was...
  8. Alaranth

    No Dance Resources!!!!

    I wonder why it's not offered by more schools? I know my school doesn't offer it. One girl in my year was going to do it with an outside tutour, but it fell through.
  9. Alaranth

    Group Performance

    Wow, that is SOON! We've been getting a topic r object or something, and getting 40minutes to make something, then show it at the end. Now we've started having 3 lessons to make something and showing it on the 4th lesson. You guys are so far ahead of us! *is scared*
  10. Alaranth


    Ok, now I'm worried. My reaction when I saw this was "easy peasy!" It was the easiest topic in 2 years! Even my friend who did very not good on the last test found probability easy! But if everyone thinks its so hard, well... Why is it hard?!?
  11. Alaranth

    sub-genres in Crime fiction? Techniques?

    Well, there's about a million. Any genre you can think of, if it has crime in it, its a sub genre. Any style you can think of, it's a sub genre. There are many, many sub genres.
  12. Alaranth

    What elective are you choosing?

    REALLY?!?!? I've had a million more excursions this year than any other! Every other week we're going to see plays or doing field work or performing Rock Eisteddfod or going to university open days! There have been so many, compared to almost none in the junior school! Anyway, option... I...
  13. Alaranth


    Not having read the sylabus, my guess would be the significance of features of human ancestors in relation to modern humans. Eg, species X was the first to have an opposoble thumb, this was significant be cause it allowed species X to do such and such things, leading to survival of the fittest...
  14. Alaranth

    crappy teachers

    Man, I am totally in the same boat, in two ways. We had THE BEST bio teacher EVER in yr 11, but he retired, and we've got a new teacher. She's not terrible, but she keeps missing things, and we only cover half of what we should. The other way is half way through yr11 our chem teacher got...
  15. Alaranth

    Biology study game

    Ooh, can I join in? nucleotide: a molecule consisting of a sugar, phosphate and base.