Recent content by allyteaded

  1. allyteaded


    I have a feeling all these side street parking will be taken... >.> especially on nite events. So visitors can't park on campus at nite?
  2. allyteaded

    kensington ~> cofa

    Thanks Minai ^_~ will do. *shrugs* mayby +:: $i[Q]u3 ::+ studies there...? o.O or maybe wants to visit the campus? There are art galleries with art express stuff on display during o week... o.O *who knows* >.<
  3. allyteaded


    AWWW... Lexi-kun you spoilt our fun >__< even I kept my mouth shut about Kouri. I can't waaaaaait till friday nite! George! Yay! I'm also interested in Little Birdy but... I didn't want to go to o-week everyday :p I've already got my student ID/concession card ... hehe ^__^
  4. allyteaded

    X1 and X2

    has anyone ever tried to like... do a language during these sessions? I'm interested in doing a language but I'm already doing 100% of work load for both semesters for my degree and I'm not sure whether I should enroll into a language or just wait till second year. Is it me or am I being...
  5. allyteaded

    kensington ~> cofa

    So... is the shuttle bus between UNSW and COFA frequent? or just on special occasions like O week? where can we catch one from COFA? I've been from COFA to central and back... it's not too hard. Summer Courses came in handy again! hehe
  6. allyteaded

    Course and Major

    Waw... so many people doing B Software Engineering... o.O My Kouri's doing that... heh... I'm doing B Digital Media at COFA.... Isn't there anyone else here?? I want to make friends... >.< hahaha *points to self* LONER! ... awws ... :-[ Oh yea... I still have my primary school...
  7. allyteaded


    it just depends on how far round house is... anyway.. this is similar to my question.. I'm not sure if we're allowed to bring someone... but I need this someone so ... I can have a driver *cheeky smile* hehe and ofcourse, I want him to come. Say we can bring a guest - I'm a UNSW...
  8. allyteaded

    Arts Tutorials

    wot? not in COFA you don't. You enrol into your tutorial classes the same time you enrol into your lectures. You enrol into everything on Not unless u're talking about another uni...
  9. allyteaded


    how do you get a language as part of your degree? I'm enrolled in COFA... B digital Media... but all the subjects I'm enrolled in are cores... and I'm already doing 100% of the study load... so they said it's not advisible to take extra subjects. But... can you? o.O just wondering... or is...
  10. allyteaded

    O-week question

    Hi Kouri ^__^ I can't believe GEORGE is playing friday nite!! ^___^ Can we bring someone...?
  11. allyteaded

    anybody applying for COFA - 2004?

    fpunk... you're on the wrong section of the forum :p heh oh well... SCA and COFA are the best known colleges/uni for arts. I know that SCA speciallises in architecture. I found this out in the scary interview. I also found out during the interview that SCA (which at that moment was my first...
  12. allyteaded

    Matrix Revolutions....

    *falls over* Thank goodness I've reached the end of this thread! Hahhah... Farnarcle, that interpretation was beautiful! I finally realise why Neo chose to defeat Agent Smith in that way! I'm keeping a copy just incase I forget. ^_~ *Copy**Paste* Hope you don't mind. I really loved...
  13. allyteaded

    I'm curious......(anime/manga)

    Part of my Body of Work was a Manga. I used ink, screen tones for b/w parts and Copic markers for the colour. Got any pics? :D Yah I got shortlisted. I think this other guy who posted his work up and did something manga related got shortlisted too. Anymew, congrats! Visit Kouri's...
  14. allyteaded

    Digital 3D Animation BOW?

    So Tyler ish not you? I'm so confuzzled... .o_O, lol. Dun worry. Hmm... I hope to work for a big company one day for CG games or movies. But I also hope to be an artist outside that. Maybe open up my own company. ^_^;;; gosh I have a long way to go... How bout you? I mean, I know...