Recent content by AmyGabriel

  1. A

    Need Help!

    If anyone can tell me the name of this paiting/picture; Which can be found at; Could you please tell me where to find information about it as I have been looking for about 2 hours now and nothing is popping up to be...
  2. A

    Most annoying book of all time

    Yes. I was just thinking that same thing. Bu I would have to go with Pride and Prejudice, Emma and ALSO Deucalion. :burn:
  3. A

    Secondary texts

    I have chosen 3 texts that relate to Physical Journeys; The Wizard of Oz the movie (yes, you read correctly. the Wizard of Oz. And yet something so infanitile and simple can get the best of grades!) The Book of Lost Things written by John Connelly. And the painting of stairs that never end. I...