If you want some ideas on projects, you can see the STANSW Young Scientist Awards projects page - they would be the standard to aim for, and you can filter according to what subject you are interested in (e.g. physics)
I think @EZYATAR is referring to it not being tested in the new syllabus.
Also I did note (based on a pattern from the past few years) that there is usually one topic relating to the internal conditions of USA and one external
Honestly that's one thing that made me realise they're kinda not it
(Well that and the amount of strikes and people harassing as you walk to uni. Tho not as bad as USU voting season)
What irked me tho was that the societies couldn't take cash because of some embezzlement thing (but they also didn't have card readers)
If you like maths join the maths society they're even having free pie this Thursday (Pi day!)
I see... I only had 2 classes there in 1st year but at that point I made sure my laptop was well charged prior to that point
Also no power points in the Quad rooms is more of a crime than John Wolley tbh (maybe that's me being cynical of the touristy area of campus)
I have seen the route, but it says it stops at different points around campus (but it never happens)
Regardless, I just walk it because it seems too much of a hassle to wait it out
Carslaw can be great or horrid depending on what's happening outside. I know of days where it was nasty since there was no AC inside, but you kinda get used to it eventually (I've had at least 1 class every semester in there for the past 5 semesters so maybe I'm biased). Lecture halls are...
Just in case future students to USYD (ie from Sem 1 2025) are curious about...