Exactly. +1.
Before making stupid assumptions that because some Muslims practice female genital mutilation, it must be grounded in Islamic law or something, you should honestly do research. Honestly, I challenge you ignorant BoSers to provide one Quranic quote that supports female genital...
Re: Official: September 11
Hmm. It is actually kind of amusing how you all seem to believe that your standards of morality are so much higher than the "barbarics," yet on the other hand, if your morality was really as "moral" as you claim, you would understand something called etiquette...
Re: Official: September 11
Ahem. Ever heard of the phrase, "rights and responsibilities?" And maybe you don't think of it as a responsibility to treat others fairly and with an open-mind, but a lot of others do, and the fact you don't is just plain sad.
You're deluded if you think that...
Re: Official: September 11
Um, hello?? The issue isn't about free speech. It is the complete and utter lack of decency and respect shown by yourself and many of your fellow BoSers. I mean, there is a thing called rights and a thing called responsibilty. They go hand in hand, but I'm positive...
No. You know what is sad? You seriously want to know what is sad? How can you say, what you just said. You basically said that the poor in places like Pakistan are busy entertaining the idea of bars and concerts in their minds. Do you have any idea of the squalor some of them are living in? If...
See, this is your problem. You're arguing that many of these countries are oil rich. Hello? You've forgotten about Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, etc etc. This is why we haven't acheived anything. Because you're insisting on talking about Muslim countries as a whole. In my head, when I was...
That's stupid. Banning a burka because a guy could hide something under it. And yet, no one would think to ban dresses and shawls. And yes, people in this day and age do wear shawls.
Inequality? So, if a woman chooses to cover herself up, that means she is unequal to a man?
Then, by that arguement, you should just ban loose clothing, shouldn't you? By your logic, what's to stop a man wearing a really loose shirt, and hiding a pump action there? Should loose clothing be...
Then how do you explain the number of developing countries that aren't run by Muslims or are predominantly Muslim? Why are they in the "dark ages?"
And actually, there was an age of intellectual enlightenment in the Muslim world. Pick up a history book, and you'll find that bit of information...
Honour killings have nothing to do with Islam. It happens to be a cultural thing, in case you didn't know.
And @ the rest of you, how come you support the freedom allowing a woman to reveal as much as she wants, but you won't allow women the freedom of covering whatever she wants?
Well, I disagree. If the quality of their life is worse than in a Western country, it isn't because of religion, but because they don't enjoy the financial stability of Western countries.
I doubt I'll change your mind, and you won't change mine. So, goodbye.