Recent content by arutea

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    Science vs. Religion Whoo hoo! I can't wait!
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    Definitely heard of those titles but... they're not the top of my list. Especially Gantz. Sorry, I thought that was terrible... Mainly the abundance of flashbacks - that really got on my nerves.
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    SMASH! (Sydney Manga and Anime Show) is looking for Volunteers!

    Hi guys! Thanks so much for your interest! We really appreciate all the help we can get at SMASH to make it a fun and successful event. AV... AV... if you haven't emailed them already - let me try and get some info for you. ;) *edit* Here's what I could find out from the committee...
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    Hiya anime fans! Anyone heard of the Sydney Manga and Anime Show (SMASH!) here? I'm part of the committee and sure this sounds like a shameless plug ;) but anyway - It's on Saturday, August 2nd this year and we have a Japanese Voice Actor coming to the show! It's Hidenobu Kiuchi (Oshitari...
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    any taleneted illutrators / artists here?

    hi there! If you haven't already found anybody, I know a whole bunch of young artists (HSC and Uni students) who might be interested in this. Is it a paid, collaboration or for experience? (you might want to specify this). Try posting it under "The Artboard" at