Nice username, for starters. :) Glad I got to see the last public display at Williamtown.... one of the best experiences of my life.
If you're serious about ADFA as a pilot, forget about Aeronautical Engineering, really. They really encourage going into B.Tech(Aviation) or B.Sci(Aviation +...
So Im doing MATH1131, PHYS1121, COMP1911 and ENGG1000
found out MMAN1130 isn't running this semester... (?) gonna do MATH1231, MATS1101 and MMAN1300, any recommendations for the other elective? preferably something as easy as possible (doing aerospace)
I will when the Cadetship is open, (or the RAAF) and yes, I probably will drop out of my degree and perhaps finish it later on a part time basis, who knows. If I enjoy my course enough I might not even pursue becoming a pilot.
I would have loved to have done the CX Cadetship (I actually know a LOT of pilots at CX strangely, more so than any Australian airline) but it's closed to foreign nationals, you need a HKID. Believe me, if they opened it up I'd be the very first person in line.
And not powered flying, I've done...
Considered it but decided to go with Engineering, going to apply to the RAAF or the Virgin Australia Cadetship once it opens again instead. Happy to talk about anything aviation/flying related whenever though. :P Good luck with your course.