Recent content by awesome-0_4000

  1. awesome-0_4000

    HSC 2015 MX2 Permutations & Combinations Marathon (archive)

    Re: 2015 permutation X2 marathon This is the approach I was looking for, although I wasn't sure if suggesting recursion made it too easy.
  2. awesome-0_4000

    HSC 2015 MX2 Permutations & Combinations Marathon (archive)

    Re: 2015 permutation X2 marathon In how many ways can a coin be tossed n times such that no two consecutive tosses are heads?
  3. awesome-0_4000

    HSC 2015 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 4U Marathon - Advanced Level Are people avoiding this due to length/irrelevance/perceived difficulty? If so I can assure you it's all bark and no bite, and a decent test of simple integration and series, whilst also showing a cool result.
  4. awesome-0_4000

    HSC 2015 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 4U Marathon - Advanced Level No, I wrote the question.
  5. awesome-0_4000

    HSC 2015 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 4U Marathon - Advanced Level Edit: The first (b)(iii) should be labeled (b)(ii) and the coefficient in front of the integral expression for a_n should be \frac{1}{\pi}.
  6. awesome-0_4000

    Orthogonal Vectors

    Yes, those expressions are correct. To check that they are unit vectors (ie normalised), compute the norm of the new vectors. If it is 1, then they are normalised.
  7. awesome-0_4000

    Orthogonal Vectors

    Why do you have parameters? The cross product should just give you a vector. Also you shouldn't need reduced row echelon form or augmented matrices, it's a determinant calculation for the cross product: Given two vectors A=(a1,a2,a3) and B=(b1,b2,b3) in R^3...
  8. awesome-0_4000

    Linear independance

    The answer to this question has nothing to do with the properties of P, multiplication of diagonal matrices is commutative.
  9. awesome-0_4000

    (Another) Hard Vectors Question

    10 vectors with components all 0 except for one which is 5, so 5e1, 5e2, etc where ei are the standard basis vectors in R^10. You can then see that there is no 11th vector that satisfies the given conditions.
  10. awesome-0_4000

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon I am sure there is a more efficient method, but here is my attempt: Edit: both the plus signs in the square roots for the final expression should be minuses.
  11. awesome-0_4000

    Why does the second derivative fail for y=x^4 and other similar functions?

    The second derivative doesn't fail. A point of inflection occurs when there is a change of concavity. To test this, you substitute a point on either side of the point that makes the second derivative zero. Substituting the points -1 and 1 into the second derivative of y=x^4 gives no sign change...
  12. awesome-0_4000

    Quick Question - Motion?

    c) Using V=25-10r, substitute 12.5 (half of the velocity of projection) for V 12.5=25-10r 10r=25-12.5=12.5 r=1.25 a) Remember, acceleration is the derivative of velocity with respect to time so: v=49 -49e^-0.5t dv/dt=24.5e^-0.5t
  13. awesome-0_4000

    Binomial theorem

    Try (1-0.01)^13
  14. awesome-0_4000

    Binomial question

    No that is an x, he expanded the (3+x) bracket out, multiplying (1-x)^15 by each term of (3+x)
  15. awesome-0_4000

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon So to get 1225 for part (i) would you do: 50!/(48!x2!) ?