Recent content by bally24

  1. B

    Job opportunities from a combined law/science degree?

    i'm doing science/law at usyd and was worried about the job opportunities as well. but from people i've spoken to, it's unlikely that your non-law degree will end up playing much of a role if you decide to go down the law path. and i don't think the major is all that relevant either, unless...
  2. B

    Manly RTA driving test

    i did my test at manly at the start of this year and passed. i didnt know the area very well but it isn't too bad. there's a two lane roundabout very close to the rta and they always take you through it, so make sure you practice there beforehand. theres some schools nearby so watch out for...
  3. B

    motors q

    this is probably a pretty dumb question but i see the term polarity everywhere eg. "as the induced emf changes polarity with every half turn of the coil" with ac generators. a friend asked me this and i had no idea...what does polarity actually mean?? thanks.
  4. B

    complex numbers problem

    ahhhhhhh ok excellent thank you, ive been trying that subbing all day, think my algebra's got quite rusty since last year haha.
  5. B

    complex numbers problem

    hey guys im having massive problems trying to solve this....been a while since i did this so could be something v obvious, but nevertheless: Find the complex solutions of z<sup>2</sup> + 2z(conjugate of z here) + 1 = 0. tried subbing x + iy, got weird stuff, strange thing is there are 3...
  6. B

    Moderately easy exam

    my school is ranked in the top 20 and everyone in my class was in disbelief over how hard it was compared to about every other paper since 1986. if you found it super easy, good for you, but when people go on about how easy something usually means they didn't get the paper. i...
  7. B

    Maths Ext 1 - General thoughts on the exam

    that was so much more difficult than 2005 and 2004....yesterday i did those past papers and i felt so ready and confident for today but that exam was EVIL. everything was okay until i got to that parabola question and couldnt do the third part....then q5, q6 and q7 went downhill from there...
  8. B

    Which Exam Are You Scared Of The Most??

    PHYSICS!!!! ...i haven't even studied for it yet. meant to start today but its 4:23pm and i still havent done anything except go to the beach. :(
  9. B

    solutions to 2001 4U HSC

    thanks thats helped a lot with i and ii, im having trouble with iii. do u let F=0 since u want there to be no friction and then solve that equation?
  10. B

    solutions to 2001 4U HSC

    hey guys i would love if any of you could give me the solution for q6 from the 2001 hsc im really struggling with it! its a mechanics q on banked tracks. this is the link to the paper: Thanks a lot!
  11. B


    Paper 1 Section 1 - 14/15 Section 2 - 13/15 Section 3 - 15/15 Paper 2 In the Wild - 17/20 Speeches - 19/20 Powerplay - 17/20 95/105 91% overall......6th in year so very happy since i got 68% in half yearlies.
  12. B

    volumes q

    ahhh thats great thanks.
  13. B

    volumes q

    From cambridge ex 6.3: The bse of a particular solid is x<sup>2</sup> + y<sup>2</sup> = 4. FInd the volume of the solid if every corss section perpendicular to the x axis is a parabolic segment with axis of symmetry passing through the x axis and height the length of its base. I've done by...
  14. B

    radio waves experiment

    yeah i know...if i could remember the experiment, of course i would write about it myself. but i can't, i just have these notes in my summary and no results. i thought some other people may have done the same one at school and could tell me what happened.
  15. B

    radio waves experiment

    just going over my notes, in part 2 of the syllabus the dot point is: Perform an investigation to demonstrate the production and reception of radio waves. i've written out the method of my experiment: 1.Adjust the gap on the induction coil to about 5mm and adjust the transformer to 6V...