bcv's latest activity

  • bcv
    Bad idea, it's just a standard re-fried "appeal to the base" policy that has zero chance of becoming reality. The ADF is usually...
  • bcv
    bcv reacted to WorkEfforts's post in the thread 2024 HSC Chat with Angry Angry.
    so its micro got it
  • bcv
    bcv replied to the thread 2024 HSC Chat.
    i can confidently say it is not small
  • bcv
    bcv reacted to rh_06's post in the thread MQ or UOW with Like Like.
    ok @MoeyNeeds90+ might be exaggerating a bit lol. MQ law isn't that bad and its ranked like 9th in Australia for Law under the QS...
  • bcv
    bcv reacted to hscccc's post in the thread ranking hsc importance? with Like Like.
    agree with bcv its entirely dependent on your cohort. If everyone does well then you wont be impacted badly, my 95 in legal only became...
  • bcv
    bcv replied to the thread ranking hsc importance?.
    it can affect you very negatively, for history extension i got 47/50 for hsc, but my internal ranking was 3/5 and the 3rd person got...
  • bcv
    bcv replied to the thread jobs.
    couple of days in a week, would pick up more hours during the holidays as well.
  • bcv
    bcv replied to the thread jobs.
    it should be fine, my school's dux was working while doing her hsc and she got a 99.6 atar, she did 3u eng, science ext, standard math...
  • bcv
    bcv reacted to iloveeggs's comment on bcv's profile post with Love Love.
    im scared that this is abt to be me in a years time. like actually using linkedin like i use insta
  • bcv
    bcv reacted to jane1820's comment on bcv's profile post with Haha Haha.
    U gotta do Fine shyt shopping on linkedin (there are A LOT of fine shyts)
  • bcv
    bcv reacted to sanarysurmer's post in the thread 2024 HSC Chat with Like Like.
    feels weird for this to be archived and empty.
  • bcv
    bcv updated their status.
    when u lowkey just addicted to linkedin now