Recent content by bowlofkatsu

  1. bowlofkatsu


  2. bowlofkatsu

    i want the signature feature thats why :hammer:

    i want the signature feature thats why :hammer:
  3. bowlofkatsu

    on the verge of burning out

    bro me too so many people have asked me if I have adhd recently :spzz: I mean for me personally I stopped doing a lot of my extracurriculars but it depends from person to person I reckon. i also do want to give up so often but honestly it depends on your future plans - set yourself reasonable...
  4. bowlofkatsu

    Ext 2 English Projects

    its definitely been bringing me a lot of pain but I'm doing a film on the notions of desire and consumption and its overlap with our appetite for food, in relation to the sublimation of female desire into physical hunger
  5. bowlofkatsu

    Creative writing is scary

    my tip is to have a couple of random objects or concepts at the top of your head and jump off those. it can be anything lol like a book a lamp a item of clothing etc etc just use it as an extended metaphor/symbol and close off your creatives with it. the objects also have associated settings, eg...
  6. bowlofkatsu

    on the verge of burning out

    I wouldn't really say so. everybody approaches school differently and it's just as possible to do well because you genuinely become immersed in what you're doing even without 'high scaling' subjects. there's no one size fits all approach, it's about how you are personally. some people genuinely...
  7. bowlofkatsu

    what are your favourite poems?

  8. bowlofkatsu

    what are your favourite poems?

    try the orange by wendy cope
  9. bowlofkatsu

    advice or just some support haha

    I'm in a similar position as you where I've consistently had untreated issues with my mental health from middle school onwards but still gotten reasonable grades. i think that there's an added layer of struggle when studying because of that but at the end of the day the results you get from...
  10. bowlofkatsu

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    this is the most real thing I've read bro all weekend I've just eaten woolies mudcake and doomscrolled