Recent content by Bozza555

  1. B

    Future engineers!!!

    i think electrical engineering has the hardest maths... that is my first preference at UNSW with a master in biomedical
  2. B

    General Thoughts: Engineering Studies

    yea that is what i got :) and with the bending force question, the equation stress=my/I needs I in m^4 units, not mm^4 units, so you just had to convert the units of I and you got the right answer, there wasn't anything wrong with the question
  3. B

    General Thoughts: Engineering Studies

    it wasn't too bad, it's like every other year with questions you can do and ones that are unexpected. Just alot of drawing this year
  4. B

    General Thoughts: Engineering Studies

    the L : D ratio; tan(theta)=drag/lift, you had drag and the angle..
  5. B

    Locus Help.

    draw a parabola positioned on the origin, the parabola passes through the point (2,0.4) because at 0.4m high the radius is 2. Then i just let the parabolas equation be x^2=4ay, subbed in the point (2,0.4) to find a (a=2.5) then we want to find what y is when x=1.75 (half the diameter) so just...
  6. B

    Locus Help.

    is the answer 0.3m?
  7. B

    You think they will ask for 2 related texts for belonging essay or module C?

    can they ask for two related texts in module A? for standard english
  8. B

    graph help

    we had all of these questions on that page in our trial haha, what paper is it?
  9. B

    Complex Numbers-roots of unity

    ohh i get it now, i wasn't sure why w^2+w+1=0 and why it couldn't be w-1=0 but i forgot that w is complex thanks :)
  10. B

    Complex Numbers-roots of unity

    Could someone explain how to work these sort of questions out please? even when i look at the answers i don't understand haha <a href=" \omega ~ is~a~complex~cube~root~of~unity,show~that~ (1@plus;\omega )^3(1@plus;2\omega@plus;2\omega^2)=1"...
  11. B

    HSC 2012-14 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 Integration Marathon <a href="\noindent let \space\ u=lnx \\\therefore du=\frac{1}{x}dx\\ \therefore \int \frac{ln(lnx)}{xlnx}=\int \frac{lnu}{u}du\\ let\space\ I= \int \frac{lnu}{u}du\\ integrating \space\ by \space\ parts:\\ I=(lnu)^2-\int...
  12. B

    Please carrotsticks or someone, help with final maths problem

    how did you attach the image like that without creating a link?
  13. B

    Please carrotsticks or someone, help with final maths problem

    for ii) i got k:l, not sure if its right though and have you done i)?