brent012's latest activity

  • brent012
    It's been raised with the developer that worked on that Advertisement page and the layout changes
  • brent012
    brent012 commented on Socialism's profile post.
    They can raise it with Trebla in the contact mods section if they want, but this account is nearly a year old and as said above without...
  • brent012
    Those fields are intended for data on registrations, so we know how people found the site and why they joined etc. They are not shown on...
  • brent012
    I'm not aware of any changes to user profile fields The "Other" fields are related to checkboxes about how you found the site, e.g. if...
  • brent012
    brent012 replied to the thread Avatar.
    The one that shows on your posts is "Custom Title", the one on the profile is "Custom Subtitle" and was migrated over from the old site...
  • brent012
    brent012 commented on MoeyNeeds90+'s profile post.
    The developer that made the design changes is addressing or considering all feedback on the changes currently.
  • brent012
    brent012 replied to the thread making avatar gif.
    It's no longer supported unfortunately, the forum software has to process the thumbnails and does not natively support GIFs -- the...