Recent content by cait44

  1. C

    Help!!! I"m Going Insane

    there is a song it's fairly old and the only workds of the chorus i know are "Come and" there really striking it's those words and then a kind of dbeatle-esque sounding da da da da da but those are words OMG it's killing me
  2. C

    Exam Superstitions??

    Gosh outed again!
  3. C

    Exam Superstitions??

    Do you do anything in particular before each exam or drape your self in four leaf clover and rabbits feet? I always listen to the same song before and exam and try not to step on the pile of ants that hang around the exam room in case it's bad karma lol
  4. C

    So uh...

    Most definitely...anyone want to share the costs of counselling sessions lol
  5. C

    How many people are there in your classes?

    Very very very samll school there is 6 of us doing the HSC We combine with osme other schools and do video conferencing
  6. C

    How many people are there in your classes?

    Chemistry - ME Maths - ME Legal - ME English - 4 Bio - 5 Modern - 3 The classes i have by myself suck majorly most of the time...
  7. C

    anyone else eating huge amounts of chocolate/lollies to get through the study days?

    Not really, mostly because i have get out of the house and go for a walk everyday other wise my brain freezes over and it really hurts when the icicles shoot out my ears
  8. C

    WHat do you plan to do between the period November 13th till March.

    Incredibly nerdy I know...but i want to read a decent book and then i'm going to a couple of music festivals YIPEE! All over soon!
  9. C

    whos ready for maths??

    Ah I can't comprehend anything past 7 it's like watching a weird foreign film without subtitles....with a blind fold on
  10. C

    What is your favourite song to study to?

    Haha Wow that would have been great, everytime they come on telly do you quote that little fact to anyone who's within earshot...i know i would
  11. C

    how many people get over 90 uai in the state?

    How many people are members of this site because it seems most of them expect UAI of 90+
  12. C

    What is your favourite song to study to?

    I can for some subjects but can't for others, bio I could but humanities subjects complete silence is good
  13. C

    What is your favourite song to study to?

    Hmmmm wrong thread maybe?
  14. C

    anyone else eating huge amounts of chocolate/lollies to get through the study days?

    I'm practically been keeping Cadbury in business at the moment. Plus i've been eating really weird combos of food that i concoct when i get bored
  15. C

    What is your favourite song to study to?

    At one end of the scale I love to listen to Joe Purdy, he's so soothing but right before each exam i've been listening to Vitriol by Bluejuice and Sex on Fire - Kings of Leon and bellowing the words from the treetops