Pompeii - multiple choice was really promising, especially now that I've found out the answers for that tower & random dome things...the how did they die question skipped my memory a little - just said they drowned trying to escape by boat or suffocated...mentioned some thing about their bloody...
That was a pretty easy exam really...
Wrote 5 pages for the comprehension
12 for the creative
26 for the essay
Still had 5 mins at the end...just hope they don't loose my booklets!!
If we had 2 and a half hours we could proof read and finish everything up and edit out the shit parts...it's so stupid.
Totally agree, how is that a good measure of ones intelligence...its a damn sprint, you get know time to represent your ability cause your just going nuts to get as much...
Memorising essays is an absolute joke...surely someone with half decent intelligence should be able to know their texts in enough detail to simply react to any question...memorising essays is restrictive and confines you to certain section of the text that may not relate as well as other...
I've written all my notes for all my subjects; Economics, Chemistry, Physics & advanced & ext 1 english (keeping a close eye on the syllabus dot points)...I've read all the prescribed texts for english, as well as a collection of potential related texts that I may use. Furthermore I've begun to...
Just wondering, in the 10 minutes of reading time before paper 1, are you allowed to underline quotes or sections of the paper that you will use later in your exam or is that not allowed???
Hey just a question in regards to how i should approach an essay for Julius Caesar in Conflicting perspectives. An example question is:
“To what extent has textual form shaped your understanding of conflicting perspectives?”
So when I write my essay am I better to take a holistic approach...
Hi just out of interest I'm doing the following subjects & my ATAR aim is 98.5, I've looked at that ATAR calculator on-line but how reliable is that really, considering your marks are all relative to your own school/cohort. Help would be appreciated.
My subjects are: 4English, 2Drama, 2Ancient...